Chapter 27

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Freya stares deeply into Korvan. He feels warmth spreading throughout his body the longer he looks upon her. Slowly, she raises her left hand and brushes the side of his right cheek with the backs of her fingers.

Gently, her lips close together as she strokes his face. The sensation sends tingles down his spine. Raising the hairs on the back of his neck. Her hand moves back down towards his lips.

Sensually grabbing her left hand with his right --- moving her hands to his lips. Placing a strong kiss upon her hand. Leaving his lips there allows him to absorb the warmth from her hand.

He's overcome with emotion. It's as if light has breached all the dark caverns of his heart. Illuminating the depths and bringing new life to his soul. She has changed him --- though he will never admit it out loud. But she was correct. Through their bond, she can feel his conflict tearing him apart. He fears what will happen once they reach Korriban --- what will happen to her...

Freya breaks the silence. "When was the last time you ate something?" She breathes in deeply.

"Hmm," Korvan responds softly. Almost oblivious to what she said. He was subdued by the energy she brings to him --- lost in thought.

Korvan breathes in deeply and exhales with a playful huff. A tiny smile spreads on his face.

"Come," Freya adds.

Moving him delicately, Freya rises off her back against the lounger. Standing before her, he extends out his left hand for her to grab. Looking down at her with a ravenous stare. Her towel has completely fallen off.

Confidently, she takes his hand and comes to a standing position. She squeezes his hand and removes her fingers from his grasp. She stops at his side and flashes a seductive stare before walking past him. Korvan's manhood screams in desire.

Watching her walk nude across the room now towards the wardrobe in the bedroom. Her toned physique walks slowly in front of him, and he trails closely behind her like a wolf stalking its prey.

Tossing her long brown hair back over her shoulder --- Korvan watches her lustrous hair bounce with each step. She senses him following close and turns her head to the right to get a glance at him behind her. Her flirtatious eyes look up at him as she bites down on her bottom lip. Returning her head forward-facing, Freya paces into the large walk-in closet. The lights inside automatically turn on once she enters.

Korvan stops at the doorway of the closet and admires her, glancing around at his clothing.

Resting the side of his right arm against the doorway, Korvan leans his body weight against the frame.

"I had clothing brought here for you to wear on Korriban."

"Did you," she says playfully. Running her hands against the hanging shirts and cloaks.

Korvan steps into the closet and paces slowly behind her.

"I wasn't sure what you would like. I made sure they brought a variety. They are over there near my tunics."

"Thank you," she says softly. Her eyes flash seductively at him.

She wanders over to a large dresser in the corner of the room. This holds his loungewear clothing and undergarments. Lowering her body, Freya pulls at one of the drawers. Inside that specific drawer are his long sleeve shirts and sweaters.

Pulling out a black long sleeve sweater --- Freya unfolds it and holds it up against her body. The shirt is of course too large for her and hangs down below her backside.

"I like this," she says with a smile. Before she places it over her body, she brings the fabric up to her nose. Closing her eyes, she breathes in the scent of the fabric.

Korvan giggles a little, watching her extend the sweater above her head. The fabric goes over her arms and head and falls softly covering her nude body. A sense of pride washes over Korvan seeing her wear his shirt.

Walking back towards him, Korvan grabs at some black lounger pants he placed on the closet vanity earlier. Quickly putting them on before she reaches him.

Standing in front of him and looking up now with her warm brown eyes. Korvan is overcome with happiness. How he wishes it would always be like this. However, a deep-seated fear grows in him. He fears this happiness will end. Something will rip her away from him. What he would sacrifice to only share happiness for a lifetime with her. It doesn't matter how many lifetimes he must sacrifice --- he will fight for that future. The vision he saw of them on the beach is his source of hope. It's the one thing he will cherish forever. Even just the thought of that vision coming true...

Placing his right arm around her waist and securing his left hand against her cheek. He crashes his lips against hers. Their romantic exchange ignites his soul. He could stand there forever, kissing her.

She releases her kiss from him and grabs his right hand against her face. Pulling his palm to her lips, she plants a deep kiss on his skin.


Leading him with his hand, she walks out the closet and towards the table that the service droid visited earlier.

A wide variety of fruits, meats, and bread line the table. They release their grip from one another and grab a plate. Loading their dish with pickings of their choosing --- Korvan takes a seat at the head of the medium-sized rectangular table.

He follows her with his eyes. What is she doing? He wonders.

Freya places her plate down to the left of his. She walks back to the chair at the side of the table and moves it next to him.

He's taken aback. Never has he eaten with someone. Always alone and in solitude, he preferred to be away from others.

Sitting down, Freya looks up at him. Their eyes lock, and he can't help but smile at her. For the first time, he's not alone. His soul feels complete around her.

The bond of the dyad only grows more powerful the longer they are together. Their connection to the Force grows to new heights. Being able to sense what the other is thinking and feeling --- anticipating their next move.

"I'm so tired of eating and being alone. It's nice, isn't it? This..." she says.

She understands him. "Yes," he replies.

They both flash and quick smile at the other and start to eat.


After a few hours of talking and eating, both are exhausted.

"How long until Korriban?" Freya asks.

"I would think about ten hours or so."

"We should get some rest," Freya adds.

Korvan nods. She rises from her seat and reaches down with both hands for him to grab. He grabs onto her hands and rises from his seat.

Exiting the dining area, they both walk back towards his bed. Freya walks over to the left side of the bed --- away from the entryway. Korvan goes to the right side. Roughly the same time, pulling the blanket back and climbing into his large bed.

The lights automatically turn down now. Resting on his back, she snuggles closely to his right side. Placing her head on his right shoulder, she wraps her right arm around his torso.

Korvan's left-hand reaches up and strokes her hair. Moving his hand down from her hair, he places it softly on her right shoulder.

Instinctively, he runs his left hand over her arm that drapes over his torso --- securing her against his body. Their energy through the Force balances between them. Their hearts beat in sync.

Both remain silent. Absorbing the energy of the other. The calmness it brings is indescribable. There is nothing in the whole galaxy that could make him feel like this.

Sleep weighs heavy on their eyes and both quickly fall asleep. 

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