Chapter 12

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Reaching her suite door, Freya presses her hand gently against the security panel outside the door. A green scanner flashes on the panel --- analyzing her imprint. A soft confirmation beep and the door slides open. Once she steps inside, the door shuts firmly behind her.

Freya examines the familiar surroundings of her chambers. Unlike other Masters, she has kept her apartment, in the dormitory of the Jedi temple, simple. The Master's chambers are larger than the Jedi Knight's private quarters. Scattered art and furniture fill and decorate each room. Freya never bothered using her redecoration budget once she received this room from the previous Master. When she moved into this suite, she left the design how Master Markka had left it --- their tastes were similar. To Freya, this is simply just a place she sleeps when she's back on Coruscant --- it's not her refuge.

Walking through the foyer, she heads down the hallway that leads into the bedroom. As she enters the room, Freya detaches her saber from her belt and places it on the small table that sits near the doorway. Crossing the bedroom floor, Freya catches her reflection in the large vanity mirror on the nearby wall. Changing the direction from the refresher she slowly moves in front of the mirror --- examining her reflection. Both hands fall against the vanity table that is attached to the mirror --- holding her upper body in place.

The reflection of her hazel eyes stares back at her. Resisting the urge, she bites her bottom lip to keep from trembling.

With a quick upward movement that shakes the vanity, Freya rises and walks away from the reflection. Her path takes her towards the refresher. Once inside, she's faced with another mirror. Noticing this time splatters of dried blood on her clothing and face. Shaking her head, Freya begins removing her garments.

Clothing falls on the cold floor. Bending down she picks up the discarded clothing and places them in a laundry shoot that sits near the sink. The damaged clothing will be sent to the Jedi Laundry facility and returned to her suite once finished.

Turning towards the shower, she uses the Force to will the water on. Hot water cascades out the shower-head as Freya steps inside. Closing the shower door, Freya begins bathing and scrubbing away the residue of the mission on Kashyyyk. As she scrubs her body, Freya washes over previous scaring. No matter how hard she tries, she can never remember how she obtained them or where. Her life is filled with the whiplash and aftermath of battles in the name of the Republic. All she can remember is getting them fighting the Sith --- trying to exterminate the enemy.

Lathering her hair and body in soft blue soap--the smell tickles her senses. A wonderful scent of Vormur wildflowers fills the steamy shower.

"Home," Freya whispers. Freya buries her childhood memories --- attachments are forbidden. The happiness from the scent is vanquished by the resent she feels about her life. A resentment she wouldn't dare to utter aloud.

After some time, Freya realizes she has been staring off into space for a long time. She shakes her head and breaks the trance she befell. Finishing, she turns off the water with her hand --- exiting the shower. The golden door closes behind her as she grabs a large white towel from the neatly folded stack on the gold refresher shelf.

Using the towel to dry her body and press dry her hair; Freya finishes by wrapping the white towel around her body and securing it under her armpit. The remaining missed water beads drip down her legs and onto her feet.

Going back into the master bedroom, Freya stops and stares at her reflection once more on the vanity. Her gaze lands on her reflection's eyes. "People keep telling me they know me. No one does," the words escape Freya's mouth.


Pressure builds in the Force. That intoxicating caress of her body and mind can only signify one thing.

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