Chapter 23

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The beats of her heart thump with tenacity in her chest.  Racing so loud, she hears her heart beating in both ears.  Sweat falls from her forehead and into her brow line. The transmission of the Council disappears before Freya's eyes faster than a light speed jump.  Moments pass and with a violent shake --- Freya finally exhales.  The sound of her breath breaks the silence in the empty room.

"Freya?" Flynn questions.  The softness of his voice touches Freya's ears like a feather.  Caressing and then subduing the hatred inside for the time being.

Slowly, her head turns to the right and then her body follows after.  Flynn stands ahead by the door.  Freya's core shakes in convulsion. Their words replaying in her head over and over again.  The disgust from their reaction fuels the blazing fire in her mind.  She wants revenge.  Not just on the Emperor whom she holds responsible for the death of her family and the path of destruction her life come to.  

No. Now her lust for revenge extends to the very people who doubt her --- the Jedi.  

The vision blurs.  Dark tentacles wrap inside her mind, blotting out the image of Flynn in front of her.  His stance loosens and she can make out him quickening his steps to her. 

"Freya!" Flynn screams. 

Her friend grabs her face violently on both sides.  Shaking her awake from the dark trance that squeezes so tightly around her mind it feels that she's actually suffocating. 

"Wake up!" He screams. 

Freya gasps.  Gasping desperately for oxygen now.  Breathing in as much as she can.  Her vision slowly returns to her.  Feeling both his hands slide upwards on her head.  Using the Force, Flynn channels light energy into her mind.  With his strength and the remaining light inside of her --- Freya comes to.  

Uncontrollable tears cascade down her cheek.  "Flynn." Her voice cracks. She feels weak and vulnerable now --- exposed. The secret she desperately tried to hid from him is now in the open. 

"I'm here!" Flynn gasps.  Slowly moving his hands down now.  Placing his right hand around her neck and the left securely on her shoulder --- holding her steady.

Silence pierces the room.  Freya reaches her left hand up and grasps the backside of Flynn's right hand.

"It's too late for me, Flynn."


"What are you saying!" His eyes scan hers. Hoping that what she says isn't true.  However, he has known for quite a while now that something has changed in his friend.  She's not the person he once knew.  Their bond was forged long ago as children in this very city. It proved to be valuable to the order several times in their earlier days as Knights --- before Freya became a Master. 

Though their bond was strong --- something was never right.  No matter how hard she tried her past followed her.  Never escaping the haunting memories of those days.  As the years went on, Freya started to change.  The countless missions for the Republic brought her face to face with the demons of her past --- the Sith. 

Over time, she started to hide things from him --- keeping secrets.  It started with refusing to be truthful when he asked how she was doing. Then it grew to ignore him completely.  At first, he feared he wronged her somehow.  Maybe not being the companion she needed during those earlier years.  But lately, it's something else. Freya is trying to protect him from an entity beyond her control --- the darkness inside. 

What she plans on doing now --- he will never know. The one thing that he does know is this is her destiny.  She is the one that the Force chose for a reason.  It is not his destiny to intervene. The only person who can save her now is herself. 

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