Chapter2(My Story)

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Growing up my birth mother wasn't really in my life. I feel that my birth mom wasn't ready to have a kid.When I was just a little girl maybe 5 or 6 it was around Christmas Time my mom said she was gonna give me a bike, in my favorite color (pink) to.When Christmas Day I was so excited, I sat in front of my mom waiting for her, to bring the bike . Y'all won't believe what this women did. She pulls out a pack of Swedish fish( candy) I was so disappointed.

As I got older I thought things would get better. But I was completely wrong. I was at home with my dad and he told my brother and I to come sit. He sounded really upset like something was wrong. My dad said " Aniisa...Bobby... I have to go to jail" "WHAT" was the exact words that came out of my mouth, luckily it was only for 2 days. My mom had lied and said my dad pulled a gun out in her, of course the cops believed her and, they took my dad away. The next day they went to court my they found out my mom was lying about the whole gun situation. I was extremely upset at her and on top of that she doesn't even pay child support. I'm just so disappointed to call her my mother

Summer time came and I went to go visit her. Everything was okay, until one day she took me to the park and, I was having fun at first. I believe I was playing tag and then I hurt my ankle really bad. I hurt it so bad I couldn't walk. I called my mom and told her. I thought she would have a look of worry on her face, but no she was mad at me. She was mad that she had to pay a cab to take me home because I was hurt. I didn't really know she was really mad until she called me the b-word. After that I told myself with everything she has done I would never ever forgive her.

Basically she wasn't really a mother she barley remembered my bday, my dad had to remind her to call me and tell me happy bday. But over the past years I learned to forgive her. I did this because I realized that when I forgave her It was gonna bring me peace and will help me move on and not have all that negativity build up inside me. Ik it will take time , lots of time. It took me over 5 years to forgive her, but ever since I forgave her I've been more peaceful and my mom and I relationship has grown a lot.

Forgiveness Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz