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We were walking to the car when it started to snow.

"It looks beautiful like stardust." Braden says.

"I'm always amazed how snow can make a city or town look so diferent. It's like the sky is giving the earth its own temporary blanket of magic." I say softly.

Awww you're so cute!" Braden says.

"I-I am?" I stutter.

"Yes! Whenever I tried to talk to Candace about how pretty the earth was she just thought I was crazy. It's like you understand me! We have something in comon!"

"Other than our love of music and pizza?" I teased. Feeling brave, I winked at him before saying seriously "I love the rain and snow. It gives a chance to see things differently even for just a moment."

"Exactly! " He said opening the door for me.

I did a fake curtsy before walking in saying "why thank you."

He laughed."you're killing me "

I laughed, happy right here in this moment.

We get to the venue and start to set up.

It was just Braden and I at the venue to rehearse so that helped me to relax. So I knew I was ready to play this time.

"Hey Braden?" I called to him.

"Yeah Bri?" He asked.

"If you don't mind me asking, what made you decide on music?" I asked purely out of curiousity and because I wanted to get to know him better.

"I went through a lot as a kid and didn't have a lot of friends. When I picked up a guitar and started writing music, I realized that it was the first time I felt like I actually fit in." He said.

"It's like, eveything that can't be said, or can't find the right words or not knowing where to go that music is in a sense, the kind of home and place that is desired." I said, more speaking my thoughts out loud than anything this time.

Yeah he said smiling.

"Here," I say, handing over the guitar, "play something. First song that comes to mind."

"You see my life for what it is not what it could it could have been...." he smiled at me.

I recognized the words, smiling brightly that he was singing my favorite song without even realizing it. I sang the next line "I could talk for hours with you,

'Bout the little things like why the sky is blue, Or how much I love the moon"

He smiles and let's me continue.

"And sure we have our awkward times,

But that's what keeps things cute,

Because it makes me happy just to be with you

Just to be with you..."

We both sing the chorus.

"I know i'm just that boy who writes the love songs but when I sing you make the harmony to go along And I promise I will try my best to keep our love alive oh-oh because I love to you smile."

As we sing through the song, I let everything else dissapear except us singing because it's what we love to do.

He kisses my cheek after the first verse.

Soon it's time for the show to start.

I was excited for it to start, Braden could tell because he laughed and handed me a bottle of water to give me something to focus on- taking a drink and not spill it being overly hyper.

"Hey Bri" Mom said coming into the venue.

"Hi Mom." I said, my excitement still in full swing.

"You ready?" She asked.

"More than ever." I grin.

"You're up" she says.

I play my songs called

Pieces of a Broken Heart

More Than Words Can Say

Never Say Goodbye

Believe This Is Goodbye

Role Model

Beautiful Imperfections

"Alright everyone. Theres gonna be a short break before we get back to the music." I said into the mic enthusastically, my body feeling as if my veins where made of electricity giving me more energy. I stepped out of sight of the stage to where Braden and Mom were standing.

I went and got a drink and a brownie that mom made.

"Bri, will you do something for me?" Braden asked.

"Hmm? Sure, what is it?" I replied.

"Will...will you sing Dandelion Necklace with me again? On stage this time." He asked shyly, a light blush on his face as he waited for me to answer.

"Of course I will!" I say giving him a hug.

His face lit up, his smile contagious.

"Welcome back everyone! " I say into the mic. "Up next we have saywecanfly."

The audiences showed their approval by cheering loudly.

"The first song is called Dandelion Necklace" Braden says.

Just as easily, I tuned everything else out, going back to earlier tonight, the way it was when we sang together. Just us and the music. I was brought back by the audience, their cheering had increased even more when we had finished the song. He put his arm around me after we were done and then I left the stage for him to continue his set. I was enjoying the show until something happened.

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