Oh My Love

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"I have something I want to ask you." Braden says as we're finishing up the movie.

"Okay, ask away." I say.

"W - will you go out with me?" He asked looking around shyly.

I look at him suprised, a blush fighting it's way onto my face before I remembered something. "I thought you were with Candace?" I ask.

"We fought too much. And she hated when I went on tour remember? " He said sadly.

"But that doesn't answer my question though, are you and her still together? I-I like you, but I need to know before I say yes or no" I reply, holding my breath waiting for his answer.

"No. She broke up with me. Over the phone."

I hesitated, what if I was just a rebound. Did I want to take the chance of finding out if I was or wasnt. I looked at his eyes trying to find something that might tell me if he actually likes me, hoping he does.

"What do you say?" He asks.

I decided to give this a try. Whether this leads to me getting hurt or to something wonderfull, I don't want to look back and think of this as a What-If moment. "Y-yes, I'd like to." I said smiling shyly.

He wrapped his arms around me.

I returned the hug, extremely happy.

Soon the movie ended and I sighed. I was tired but I knew I had to do my homework.

I was instantly glad for the fact that I used most of my free time before Braden suprised me at school earlier to get most of it finished. All that was left was math, but that did not make the class any easier to figure out.

'Need help with your homework? " He asked.

"That would be much appriciated." I reply gratefully.

He laughs "I'm not good but I'll try."

I pull my backpack onto my lap, pulling out my math book and note book, opening to the section I was working on.

Soon I hear mom scream with joy. It sounded like Elisa and or Monique were home. "Uh oh this should be fun" I thought.

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