Fix My Heart

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Um.....uh're at the right place I said. Wow, I'm an idiot I thought. I put all my effort into not screaming and tackling him in a hug. That would probably not end to well. I held out my hand and said

"Hi, I'm Sabrina. It's nice to meet you. I've heard your music and your really good."

Braden smiled, before replying, "Thank you, and I can see your a fan. Unless your wearing that for fun, which is cool too." His eyes held a playful glint.

"Haha no, I love your music. You've helped me though a lot." I say awkwardly.

Braden? My mom called.

"Hi, I'm Maria. One of the owners here at a The Spotlight, welcome!" She said shaking his hand. "I see you've met my daughter Sabrina."

"Hello, and yes I have." He replied politely and smiled.

"Have you eaten?" My mom asked.

"A bit" he replied.

"We were just about to order a pizza." She said " what kind do you like?"

"Any kind is perfect. For me pizza is life." he smiled a happy glow in his eyes at the mention of pizza.

I laugh I seriously tried to hide it but I couldn't I fall to the floor laughing.

Braden laughs along before replying "well It's true, I love pizza, haha"

"I know you do" I say gasping for air and clutching my stomach which is starting to hurt.

"then what are we waiting for? There's pizza to be ordered." he says with a laugh before pulling out his cellphone.

I look up at him, my laughter slowing down enough to let me sit up. "what are you doing?" I ask him.

He looks back at me before replying "ordering pizza?"

"We got it" I said walking over to get the venue phone.

Braden walks over before taking the phone from my hand and placing his own phone in my hand.

"I'm going to be here for a few days. I'm going to need to know where the good pizza is at so why not order from my phone?"

Okay? I said giving him a look of question but I decided not to push it.

Looking back at him, I waited a few seconds to see if he would notice but then decided to just say something.

"Um, Braden? You need to enter your passcode."

"Oh right." He says laughing awkwardly.

He types it in and I dial the number. "Antonio's' pizzeria how can I help you?" Antonio himself answers.

"Can I get one large peperoni, one large sas- one second please"

I moved the phone away from my face and whispered "whats up?" to the boy who was waving his hand at me trying to get my attention.

Braden whispered "why not do one sasuage and peperoni and then do one with just cheese?"

"Okay" I whispered.

After quickly changing my order and being told how much the pizza would cost, i hung up and handed Braden his phone. "Ok, so it'll take about 40 minutes. We got some free time, want to practice a bit before the food gets here?" I asked.

Sure. He practiced scars, love note, I've lost the moon and a few new songs.

"Hey," he said into the mic. Wanna sing a song with me?

"Y-yeah, that would be really cool." I said, my nerves from this morning coming back as I climbed onto the stage and pulled the extra stool to the center of the stage.

Sabrina! My mom called. "Are you ready to go on?!"

"You're singing too?" Braden asked.

"yep." A thought had passed by and I decided why not.

"Hey Check this out." I jumped down from the stage and waved him over. When he crouched down I showed him to the two ornaments that I had been looking at when I got here.

"Woah! Who made those?" He asked.

"My Mom. They are amazing right?!" I said, still in awe myself that my mom was the one to make them.

"Yeah! By the way, I have something for you." He says..

I look up at him questioningly, a light smile on my face. "Yeah?"

"I have my new CD for you!" He says smiling.

I was stunned. "A'are you serious?!?" I couldnt help the excitement that was building up to be able to finally hear the new songs fully.

"Yeah on this mini tour I'm giving every venue a copy of my CD."

"Thank you." I was now even more excited for the show than I was before, if that was even possible.

"You're welcome!" He says hugging me.

"Sabrina! Braden! Food's here!" Mom called out to us.

"Coming!" We called.

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