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Ever since I met Braden, I noticed we've been getting closer, and he hasn't really mentioned Candace since their phone call last night.

"Should I ask him about it?" I thought.

I'll wait a bit longer, see if he mentions anythin first, i eventually decided. My phone vibrated just then. I looked at the screen and it said 1 New Message: Braden.

"Hey Bri." The text read.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Nobody ever called me Bri. In fact I hated when they did except......him......

I think I was really starting to like him. And that made me nervous. For one, he already has a girlfriend. And two, I'll see him for just as long as the tour and the he leaves for however long it takes for another tour. I shut down those thought and sent "Hey :)"

"Just thinkin. You?" I replied.

"A little tired." He said.

"There's these amazing things called naps. They work too. ;)" I sent back teasing.

"Haha cute. What are you thinking about?" He asked.

I sent the first random thought that came to mind. It technically wasnt a lie since I'd just thought about it. "Whether unicorns really exist. Maybe they are and just disquised as rhinos so voldemort doesnt try and attack them?"

"Very random....Is your twitter @SabrinaInTheSpotlight?" He asked.

"Yep" I responded.

"Same with instagram? Because I see a few photos of you and I.....eating pizza?" He laughs.

I laugh and reply "pizza moments are internet worthy, haha."

"true. Oh, and took come back to your smart remark......" He teases. "I'm not tired as in sleep, I'm tired of the constant fights with Candace......." he says sadly.

"What happened? If you want, you can come over and hang out for a bit. Im sure my parents would love to have you over as well." I say before adding "plus it would take your mind off it for awhile."

"Nah, it's okay. I'm sure you're still not feeling good and I don't want to get in the way." Braden says.

"Ha, I dont think you could get in the way even if you tried." I responded.

"Sabrina!!!!!!" My dad called.

"I'll check with my parents and I'll text you okay?"

I went downstairs where my parents were fighting.

"David, if she wants to hang out with him she can. Monique and Elisa won't be home from college for 2 more weeks!"

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" I asked curiously.

"Oh your dad wasn't too thrilled that I booked the show tonight when he wanted his buddies over for a game. Just another typical weekend with the Remierez family....." Mom mumbled.

I looked at my dad suprised. " didn't know it was tonight Dad?"

"I forgot! I'm sorry! Whatever it's over now....."

I quickly hug him before asking mom "what time does it start again?"

"On Thursday?" She asks.

"Yeah." I respond.

"6:30" she replied.

"Oh, uh mom?" I ask hesitantly. I know I have school this week, but can Braden come over and hang out tonight?"

She smiled and "yes, but not for too long ok?"


I call Braden.

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