Chapter - 50

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Anya's POV

My emotions are everywhere. I had kept so much in my heart for years.

Now it's time for them to know what there mistrust made me suffer.

"Sorry... Sorry for what? Do you know your sorry can do nothing. It was me who suffered. You didn't even gave me a chance to explain myself. I was innocent but you preferred to believe those pictures instead of your own daughter. You were right, your daughter died that day. She's no more. You had thrown me out of the house without thinking where would I go... Where would I stay. If not for Ri and Aru, I would have died long time back. It was your fault but who suffered... It was me. I payed for something that I never did. Did you ever thought what I went through three years. I was all alone there. Though Ri and Aru were there. But I couldn't worry them more about me" I spoke my heart out with tears flowing through my eyes.

"We are sorry Anya. I know we were at fault... " Shivin said.

I interrupted him "Stop.. You don't have any right to say anything. What a fool you made of me.. Of my friendship. What are true friend you are. I trusted you. You could have directly told me that you liked Tanya, I would have helped you. What was the need to use my friendship" I shouted at him.

"And you, for god sake you are my sister. We played together. We shared our problems. You should have trusted me " I said to Tanya who was crying.

I went towards Ri and Aru's parents. I pointed towards them and said to Papa "They are the ones who gave me that love, that trust ..that you failed to give me. I only wanted you both to trust me. But that was a lot to ask for me. Your daughter died Mr. Sharma.... Congratulations "

Everyone looked shocked at out burst. I saw pity and sympathy in everyone's eyes. The only thing that I hate.

"You want to know how that day effected me. That day haunts me. I'm unable to sleep. I'm going through anxiety and depression problems " all looked shocked.

"I don't need your pity and sympathy. That's the only thing I hate" I said.

I turned towards Abhi and said "I don't need your pity. I didn't asked you to bring my smile back. You were busy fulfilling your promise to Mr. Sharma. All the time you were just playing with my feeling. Making me believe you. You did a great job by fulfilling his promise. You were so pitying me that you thought to help me. What was the need for all the act? I hate myself for believing you. All those hugs, kisses, date.. Everything was just pity. You know what.. You don't deserve me. You don't deserve someone like me. And you can never deserve me. I was happy to acknowledge my feelings and was coming to you to confess my love but what did I heard outside of your room.. Was your promise made to Mr. Sharma. I hate myself for loving you"

Abhi looked shocked with tears in his eyes.

I am done with everyone. I went from there leaving everyone.

I rushed outside, took my keys and went off.

I stopped at club. The only that can help me to forget it is alcohol.

I can't handle this pain. Why am I always at the suffering end?

I filled my sorrow with alcohol.

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