Chapter - 8

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Author's POV

The event was all ready to get started. The place was filled with well known best doctors from all around.

Outside the event, paparazzi were firing questions to the doctors and were most importantly waiting to see the face of the CEO of Fortis.

No one knows who the CEO of Fortis is.. Except the doctors and staff working there. Anya wants to keep media away from her life.

On seeing the media and paparazzi... Anya asked Max to take them from the back door.

On entering the hall... Mia looked at awe and Anya looked impressed with the arrangement. She made a mental note to appreciate junior doctors for there work.

 She made a mental note to appreciate junior doctors for there work

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They turned towards the owner of the voice.

"Girls you look stunning and boys you both look dapper" Anya complimented them.

"Yeah you guys are looking amazing " Mia added.

"Thank you "

"You both are looking gorgeous."

"Ma'am you are killing it with Indian look."

They both laughed hearing them.

All the eyes were on them...or more specifically on her and why wouldn't it be. 

People were admiring her for her work, her achievement and not to forget what a beauty she is.

Every Man who are single wants her... But Anya don't give a fuck about them.. Her focus is mainly on her career and she like to keep it that way.

Anya, Mia, and the interns were sitting on there table and enjoying drinks when the function started.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen... I'm Dr. Matthews Cooper, orthopaedic surgeon, working in the Fortis... And I am your host and entertainer for the night" Mathew said while making everyone laugh.

"We all are proud to be a part of Fortis and work here. Fortis has become the best hospital in the world with its 10 branches spread around"

Everyone clapped. Seeing this Anya felt proud of herself.

There is no hospital like Fortis in the world. Doctors and working staff all are acknowledged for there work and treated with respect.

Anya always felt that along with medicine patients recover mentally as well as emotionally.

This is why Fortis from inside is the most colourful hospital. The environment that is created is such that which help patients in there recovery.

Anya came out of her thoughts without the sound of claps. She looked around to find Mia, Eric, Hazel enjoying there drinks and Aiden and Emily were arguing over silly things. She felt they have some kind of connection.

"You both were so excited to come here and now you both are fighting like kids" Anya said.

They both glared each other while sipping there drinks... Making other four laugh.

"Now I would like to call on stage the foundation of Fortis, encouragement behind this event, creative mind between us... None other than Dr. Anya Sharma, best neurosurgeon in the world and the CEO of Fortis.. The one who's still hidden from the world."

Anya got up and made her way towards the stage with others cheering for her.

"Good evening to all.... And thank you Dr. Cooper was amazing introduction and not to forget for being equally amazing entertainer and host for the night... Will keep in mind to appreciate you after the event " Anya said making everyone laugh at Matthews blushing face.

Abhimanyu reached the event late... Which he called being fashionably late.

He made his way through the paparazzi and answering them.

"Dr. Mehra how do you feel by achieving so much at such a age?" asked reporter.

"I love my work that I do. And doing something that you love will always give immense satisfaction and best results" he answered confidently.

He entered the venue and looked the place around in awe... That is when his heart skipped a beat.

His eyes got transfixed to the beauty that was on the stage.

Abhimanyu thought why can't he take her eyes away from her. She is what you call perfect with fair complexion, brown eyes, perfect curves at perfect places, brownish black straight hairs with light curls and not to forget the Indian Saree.

"Fortis is standing high because of all the doctors and staff working honestly and serving there best to patients. This is what makes Fortis best in itself" Anya addressed Everyone confidently for there work.

Everyone looked happy and proud as there work was getting acknowledged.

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