Chapter - 9

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Author's POV

Amongst everyone there was one person who wasn't listening to what Anya was saying. He was busy capturing her in his heart.

That was none other than Abhimanyu. He had met many girls but none of them captivated him like she did.

"This event is just to praise doctors for there work and a way to encourage them to keep doing it further. Thank you to all of you by taking Fortis at such great height with your efforts." Anya left the the stage with a smile on her face.. Enhancing her beauty.

Abhimanyu wanted to talk to her, to know her. He remembered the words Akash said of finding someone and guess what he actually found someone.

He came out of his thoughts with the sound of claps... Only to find the mysterious beauty coming down from the stage with such a grace.

Yes for him she was mystery... The beautiful smile that adored her face couldn't hide the loneliness in her eyes.

Abhimanyu can read her emotions hidden in her eyes. This scared him but he was ready to take chances.

He made his way to his table ,having his drink with his eyes on Anya who was unaware of the storm going to come  in her life.

"Congratulations Dr. Mehra"

He heard Dr. Hale, whom he met while he came to London for a surgery.

"Thank you Dr. Hale"

He conversed with other doctors present over there with his eyes focussed on her each and every action...admiring her beauty with his eyes.

He heard her laugh with her friends.. Those who were sitting with her.

What if someone among those two boys was her bf... The mere thought made him angered and made him feel something he never felt... Jealousy.

He shaked these thoughts from his mind. She didn't looked like she has a bf.. He concluded from the emotions that her eyes were depicting.

"Guys I'm leaving."Anya said

"No babe " Mia pouted.

"Ma'am please" said the interns.

"Guys I'm not feeling here and I want to leave from here. I have some other work to care of" Anya made puppy face which no one can resist and it worked on them too.

"Fine but only this time I'm allowing you" Mia said firmly.

"Yes boss. Should I send Max to drive you back to home" Anya grinned.

"No need. I'll go with them. " Mia said while the four nodded.

"OK bye guys have fun and be present tomorrow on time"

"Bye Anya. Take care "

"Bye ma'am "

Anya got up from her place to leave the venue from back gate. She called Max and asked him to bring her car.

Abhimanyu saw her getting up and making her way towards back door.

Shit...she was leaving. He didn't knew anything about her. Maybe if he had listened her speech..he could know something about her.. He thought.

He saw her leaving. He couldn't stop her... And how will he. She was gone taking a part of his heart with her.

He didn't know when will he meet her. He wants to go and run behind her.. But he can't.

"The great achievement award goes to Dr. Abhimanyu Mehra, cardiologist, for the number of critical surgeries he performed at such young age which were successful. Dr. Mehra please come up on the stage." host said.

Abhimanyu put his thoughts aside and took a deep breath before heading to the stage. He took the award in his hand and fell in love with it.

"Thank you Fortis for appreciating doctors for there work. I'm glad to be a part of the best hospital in the world and this award will always remind me to do my best and serve people. Thank you. "

Abhimanyu got down the stage. For the rest of the evening his mind was occupied by his mysterious beauty...yes that is what he called her... HIS.

He left the venue early and reached his suite room. After changing into something comfortable.

He layed on the bed thinking about her, the way his heart beat raised when he was near her. He can feel some sort of connection with her and knew she was the one.

He'll definitely find her.He will meet her soon. Tomorrow he will be in India and would ask Riddhant and Aradhya to help her. And than he will make her his.

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