The Image

Around the age of five, little Percy is holding up a ring for Gabe to present Sally with and after he slides it on her finger, he walks over and gives Sally the ring for Gabe.

The reception went smoothly and Gabe seemed to be the perfect husband even though he packed on a lot more than a few extra pounds. His love handles showed throught the entire reception. He held Percy on his lap almost the entire time and shared his food with him. Little Percy loved his new daddy and warmed up to him immediately.

The moment Sally first left the house to go work, it was summer and Percy was in his room enjoying a nap. Gabe enters the room with an evil grin plastered to his face, his belt in his hand.

I watch with an expressionless mask on my face because they keep turning to me and raising their eyebrows. When Gabe walked into the room, the hunters and Artemis had their bows in their hand and were prety much snapping them.

Gabe walks over to Percy and grabs his neck. He shakes Percy awake and Percy falls back onto the bed. His eyes flutter open and he smiles up at Gabe.

"Hi Daddy!" Percy exclaims happily.

"Shut up, runt. Time for lessons to begin. You tell your mom, she gets the same." Gabe sneers and Percy looks at him in fright.

"What lessons?" Percy asks in a small voice. "I can't read very well. Mommy teaches me without books to make it easier. Mommy loves to read. Why would I care if she gets to read or not when she loves to? I don't understand daddy. What is a runt?"

Gabe lashes the belt across Percy's cheek. "This is one of the lessons I am going to teach you. Speak and you get hit with anything I have in my hands. Don't speak and we only have our lessons. Tell your mommy and she gets worse than you. Got it?"

"Yes, daddy." Percy holds his cheek.

"Don't call me daddy. Don't speak unless I give you permission." Gabe whips the belt against Percy's right side and Percy cries out in pain and clutches his side. Ignoring his cheek because his side hurts worse. "Got it?" Percy nods and Gabe hits him in his side again. "Don't make noises either. Take it like a man." Percy's eyes overflow with tears and as Gabe hits him repeatedly screaming his version of proper etiquette Sally comes through the front door.

"Gabe! Percy! Where are you?" Sally yells happily.

"Out in a minute Sally! I'm helping Percy with something!" Gabe yells in a false giddy voice of a love struck fool.

Percy still sobs quietly and Gabe leaves the room, but not before saying, "Every morning and night your lessons will continue and you will learn new ones or be retaught old ones." He says, straps his belt back on, and closes the door quietly.

Percy crawls under the bed and his piercing sea green eyes show in the shadows. They close and you can hear the awful noises coming out from underneath the small bed. Blood pooled out from underneath the bed and seeped into the carpet. Soon, almost the the whole entirety of the floor around the bed was stained with it.

Everyday it was a different thing Gabe hit him with. There were belts, and newspapers, but as he grew older, it was whips, metal baseball bats, and crowbars. His only escape was school and then Sally felt the lesser of what he felt while he was away.

When Percy was eight, Sally came into the room to find Percy curled in the corner, crying his eyes out.

"Percy, why are you always littered with cuts and bruises? Please tell me you aren't doing it to yourself or that Gabe isn't responsible for it." Sally sits down next to him.

"No, mommy. It's not Gabe or me. I-it-it's the kids on the streets and at school. Don't worry mommy I'll be fine." Percy lies and cries harder. He hates lying to his mom.

"Don't lie to me Percy." Sally tells him sternly. One of the rare moments where she is speaking to Percy without happiness in her voice.

"I-I can't tell you! He'll-he'll...he'll just make it worse on you. It's him mommy. It's him. Now he's gonna hurt you too. I don't want you hurt mommy." Percy cries into his mother's chest.

My heart clenches as I remember uttering those words, my face starts to show my heartache at seeing my mother and those awful memories of the past.

"How long?" Sally seethes quietly.

"What?" Percy mumbles into her shirt, balling his eyes out.

"How long has he been hitting you?" Sally asks nicer and pulls him away to look at her son.

"Since the beginning." Percy admits to her. "He started it the first day after you got married and went to work mommy. He's not nice. I don't like him mommy. Can we please not be around him anymore?" Percy begs.

"Oh, Percy." Sally's eyes start tearing up. "I can't, there's a roblem once we leave him. We won't be able to live on our own. Especially now that you're older." Sally clutches her son to her body. "I wish your real daddy was here, he would know what to do. I couldn't bear to be separated from you though. I need someplace else to be with you that will keep us safe." She whispers, but Percy had fallen asleep.

I am using my owers so I can see exactly what happened while I was unconscious as a child.

The memory fades as Percy collapses on the porch of the Big House. That was four years later.

And the Hunters saw it all.

I'm working on the next chapter as you read this, so have no fear. PJO/HOO belongs to Rick Riordan. Yay, I updated, sorry, my lovely readrs!

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