
“—make sure to get his signature before calling us out.” My partner over the phone reminded, to what it seems to be the hundredth time.

“I know, you've been telling me that since we left the diner.” I grumbled, pressing the fedora neatly on my head to secure it.

The auction had already started an hour ago, I can already hear the auctioneers rhythmic repetitive voice from the speakers behind the large double doors before me. They have already sold few  goods, and when I say goods they're not the legal shits that an auction house are supposed selling; Military or Police medals, Firearms with their serial numbers scratched off, Ivories, elephant skins and Rhino horns. It has always been the same illegal goods that were being sent off, but this time, they announced one good that they have never auctioned before, and it was a human they said. And by that many had swarmed the auction house, some even had to reserve slots due to the capacity limit that the auction house can only take.

And that goods is the one thing I'm here for, plus the signature that will help Tora in her mission.

Repeat what we just planned.”

I groan annoyingly but I did what was told. “Get the signature, the goods and the fuck out.”

Not exactly the explanation I had in mind but it'll do.” She replied while I hear clicking noises from where she is. “What the hell are you standing there for? Get your ass inside.

My head jerk back as I frown, looking around the place while twisting the knob then pushing the door open. “Where are you? you can see me?”

Of course I do, we've attached a tracker on you.” Tora snorts like I've said the most stupidest thing in the world. 

My eyes met the dim litted old architectural style theater. Dull cyan blue lights beaming down the ceiling that barely illuminated the floors, making it hard to see what you're walking on. At the center of the room, where the spotlight had been set on, is the neatly designed stage with an auction block in the middle of it. And for now they're trying to sell some random -but still illegal- object that I hardly see from the entrance. Walking deeper, I scanned the large room noticing huge amount of people occupying all the leather chairs, leaving no seats to anyone. Damn, is selling humans really this popular?

Be cautious, Rye. You don't wanna blow your cover already.” Tora's voice ring in my ears, that I almost forgot that I was still talking to her.

“Oh shut up, I'm not doing anything wrong.” I hissed at her.

Not yet atleast,” She added. “Just filter that mouth and you'll be fine.”


I paused abruptly on my tracks while my body freezes, hearing a sharp yell behind me. Turning my tensed body around, I see a tall man wearing the same uniform as me with a gun resting on its holsters from the side of his hip while his large hands firmly gripped the top part of it.

I breathed in, controlling my gunning heartbeat. “Sup?” I hear a snort from phone but I ignored it.

The man pointed his finger on the device I'm holding on my ear, squinting his eyes at me suspiciously. “No phones or calls can be made inside the auction house.” He warned, approaching closer. “Every guards knows that rule.” He said while scanning my attire, his face turning skeptical.

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