[3] Late-night ice cream and sibling talks

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Chapter Three

Amal slowly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her

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Amal slowly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. For a couple of seconds, she stood there, her hands gripping the handle as her mind echoed with everything her parents had said to her. Inhaling slowly, Amal made her way back to her room- falling down on the bed with a sigh.

Her brain was still trying to register everything that had happened and Amal felt as if it had all been a dream. A part of her even hoped that it had been.

A marriage proposal- even the thought of it sent a tremor down her spine. Usually, whenever her marriage was mentioned at home, it was done in a joking manner, mainly by Usman. Her parents had mentioned it a couple of times as well but Amal knew that they hadn't been thinking about it too seriously yet. Neither had she and now... Amal shook her head, burying her face in the pillow.

When she had stared at her parents dumbly back in their room, they had revealed that it was Mrs. Ahmed who had brought up this topic to them. 

Mrs. Ahmed of all people! 

Of course, Amal had nothing against her good-natured neighbor. On the contrary, she rather liked Mrs. Ahmed who wasn't one of those judging neighborhood aunties that Amal tried to avoid.

As soon as Amal had heard Mrs.Ahmed's name, it clicked to her at instantly that she must have asked for her nephew. Her parents had confirmed that thought, and went on to tell her that Mrs.Ahmed had just mentioned it casually, expressing that she wanted Amal to meet him.

Of course, Amal had heard about the nephew- Mrs. Ahmed talked about him all the time! Now though, Amal realized that she was guilty of zoning out whenever Mrs.Ahmed started talking about her nephew. In her defense, Amal never felt the need to listen to what her neighbor's nephew was up to!

Or at least... she thought she didn't.

Her parents had told her that they had been looking into it for the past couple of weeks. Apparently, Usman was acquainted with him as well, though only slightly, and from what her parents had found out- they told her that he seemed like a nice, religious boy.

At her aghast expression, her parents had reassured her and said that it was just a simple meeting and nothing serious. Yet, Amal felt weirded out- even the idea of meeting someone for the purpose of marriage seemed terrifying.

A sigh escaped her lips as Amal turned around in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She felt her cat, Eddie jump up on the bed and as he curled down next to her, Amal turned around, stroking him. Her parents had told her to do istikhara, think about it, and give them her answer in a couple of days.

As Amal lay in bed, she did think about it. Of course, Amal knew that she'd be getting married some time or another, and she didn't have anything against the idea of marriage. It was a beautiful sunnah of the Prophet and half of deen. Despite this, marriage scared her. It was a bold step, an end to a part of life and the beginning to another.

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