that was some cheesy shit

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'Sometimes all you can do smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears and pretend you're okay.'

Alyx POV

As soon as the water hit my head, I crumbled to the floor in surprise. The world started to blur and I could vaguely hear someone shouting my name in the chaos. I blacked out and woke up in a puddle of water. "How long was I out?" I asked Melanie who was crouching next to me.

Behind her, a circle of students had gathered to catch a glimpse of the drama. They'd probably never even heard of me or seen me before. I could imagine what they were thinking. What's Melanie Conway doing with that nobody? "Only a few seconds. What happened?" I didn't even know what happened.

My parents poured water over me all the time to wake me up from nightmares. So why was I so affected this time? I hadn't even realised that I was shaking until someone passed me a towel and Melanie wrapped it tightly around my shoulders. "Alyx, are you okay?" I tried to nod, "let's go to the nurse's office." She directed.

She put an arm around me and guided me. Whenever someone asked what happened, she would just wave them away. I was so grateful for her in that moment. Melanie was a great friend because I knew that she would stick with me through thick and thin. Mainly because she was there when I had gone through shit.

By the time we had finally got to the nurse's office, I was shaking badly. There was a line to see the nurse, but I received special treatment and was sent to the front of the line. "I'll wait for you here." Melanie said decidedly.

"No, you should go to your next class. Alyx will be fine, won't you?" The nurse replied for me, not unkindly. I managed a nod. Melanie bit her lip as she tried to decide whether to stay or go. She looked troubled, because I had never gone through tough times without her. But I wasn't the person I was three years ago.

"Okay then. See you later." She gave me a final wave before she left me alone in the room with the nurse.

"What happened sweetheart?" The nurse wanted to know.

"Someone poured water over me. I guess I was just shocked, because I'm absolutely fine now." I lied to the nurse, who was only trying to help. She saw right through my lie.

"Well just in case, I think that you should revisit your therapist. Your mother informed me that you've been having nightmares more often. Is that correct?" She looked at me while writing stuff down.

I couldn't believe that my own mum had ratted me out. "Yes," I mumbled, "but I swear I'm fine." I would do anything to make sure that I didn't have to go see my old therapist. The nurse put down her pen and looked at me more carefully.

"Has anything happened that could have triggered the memories?" I shook my head. What did she mean by something that triggered the memories. It hadn't happened again, if that's she meant. "Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Well that was straightforward.

"No, I don't. And I'm not planning on getting one anytime soon." I firmly stated.

"So there's no guy or girl that you want to get together with?" The nurse couldn't have been younger than forty, so it was even more awkward. I shook my head, and as soon as I did, someone's face popped up. Ryder.

I quickly rushed to push him out of my thoughts. I told myself that I didn't want to date him. And that even if I did, he wouldn't want to date me. So in a way, I wasn't really lying. Just then, my mum burst into the room. "Alyx, are you okay? I'm going to talk to your principal. Who poured water on you?" She bombarded me with so many questions that I was overwhelmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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