Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright"

I continued the song and finished it strong, proud of myself for not fully breaking down halfway through it. I know Alex would be proud too. I thanked everyone for listening and returned to my seat next to my parents for the rest of the service, but everything that happened after was a blur. All that I could think about was the song I had just played, and how only a year ago Alex and I were singing that song together in one of my YouTube videos and now I was singing it at his funeral. The service, the burial, and all of the hugs and prayers and well wishes from friends and family blurred together at that point and I began to feel numb.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick, I'll be back." I mumbled to my mum as I walked away from the group of family friends she was talking to. I was walking around trying to find the bathroom in the funeral home when I ran straight into the back of someone.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I took a step back.

He turned around and instantly I saw the familiar pair of brown eyes widen. "Madilyn." He breathed out.

"Liam? Oh my gosh. Liam!" I said, throwing my arms around him in a massive hug. He immediately hugged back and for a brief moment it felt like I had a piece of my brother again. I was so happy in that moment to see him after all these years. Liam was Alex's best friend growing up, they went to grade school together and were best friends during my whole childhood. Things got more difficult as Liam got started with the band, and he became really busy. He and Alex didn't get to see each other often, but when Liam was visiting for holidays and such he always made time to see Alex. They never lost touch, and I always admired that. I, however, hadn't seen Liam in a few years because Alex was living on his own across town, so when Liam visited him I was never around. Liam was like another brother growing up, he and Alex always picked on me together, but they always stood up for me and protected me together too. Seeing him now made me feel so much safer and so much more secure, like there was still a little piece of Alex out there in the world.

"It's been so long Madi! I was so sorry to hear about Alex, it broke my heart. I rushed home as soon as I heard, but I didn't want to reach out before the funeral incase you all were busy with the planning, I didn't want to intrude." he said with tears in his eyes.

"Liam are you kidding? We would have loved to have you. You were always like a second brother to me, a second son to my parents. Have you spoken to them yet? They are going to be so happy you're here."

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "I haven't yet, no. I was actually looking for you, I wanted to check in on you before I worried about anyone else."

See what I mean? He always looked out for me just like Alex did.

I smiled and let a tear fall at the thought. "That's sweet Liam, lets go see if we can find them." I said as I linked arms with him, pulling him back in the direction where I left my mum only minutes before. I found them easily and started leading Liam over. My dad caught a glance at Liam first and a smile found it's way onto his face, one of the only time's it's happened since Alex passed. He immediately grabbed Liam into a massive bear hug and they both let out a few tears.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Holley. I'm so sorry." He said, hugging my dad tightly.

"It's so good to see you Liam. Alex loved you so much." My dad said, clapping Liam on the back.

At the sound of Liam's name, my mum turned around from who she was talking to and her entire face softened when she saw him. "Liam Payne." She whispered out, the tears already forming in her eyes.

"Mrs. Holley," he said, looking over at her. He reached over to hug my mom and she held on tight. "I am so sorry about Alex, Mrs. Holley. He was one of the greatest people I knew. I was so lucky to call him my friend."

My mum and dad chatted with Liam for a while and I left again to finally find the bathroom since I never did the first time. Things were starting to dwindle here and the majority of people had said their goodbyes and left. When I walked out of the bathroom I found Liam sitting on the bench outside. I sat down next to him and smiled.

"It really is great to have you here Lee." I said. It was a nickname I had given him so many years ago, back when we were kids. His head shot up at the nickname and he smiled back, nostalgia in the air as we began to catch up on so many things. It was so nice getting to see him and relive old memories.

"Do you want to grab dinner or go hang out? I'm not really in the mood to go back just yet." I said, hoping I wouldn't have to go back to my family straight away.

He happily agreed and we said goodbye to my parents as we left to go find somewhere to eat. We talked all night about everything. Old memories, my life, his life, he told me about the band and how they had just announced they would be going on a hiatus for awhile and would maybe pursue solo careers. He seemed like he was doing well and I was glad. I told him about everything and how I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, but that I just wanted to get away from everything.

"What, you mean like go on a vacation? Or like move?" He said.

"I'm thinking move. This city is painful. It's hard and I know it's sudden. Leaving my parents in a time like this feels awful but part of me feels like I'll never be able to find myself and heal if I don't get out of this city. Everywhere I go I am reminded of him Lee." I whispered.

"It's definitely a big move, but you should think about coming out to LA. I think you'd really enjoy it there, and it's the perfect place to find yourself. If you really are serious about it you should consider LA. You wouldn't have to worry about making friends or knowing anyone there because you'd have me. And I'm sure the guys would love you too. I'd bet all of my friends would."

"Really?" I asked, unsure if this really was too big a leap for me to take right now. He did make it sound exciting though, and I think exciting is just what I need right now. It was definitely a big step and I wasn't even sure if it was the right one, but it felt so right when I heard him say it that I was immediately considering it.

"Absolutely. You could even stay with me for a while, I have plenty of space and that way if you decide you don't like LA, you can still come back home and not have to worry about anything. You could stay with me as long as you like Madi, however long it takes for you to get a place of your own. You're Alex's sister. You're practically a sister to me. I'd do anything for you." He said, a smile on his face.

After a speech like that I was hooked. The more and more we talked about it, the more the idea of getting away and getting a new environment sounded so nice. A move from London to Los Angeles was a big one for sure, but Liam had me set on it. I know it would be hard for my mom and dad, but they would be proud of me. I know they would, and so as I went home that night with a dream in my head I felt relieved that something good had come out of this awful day. I just wondered how I was going to make it all happen.



Hey everyone! My name's Hailey, and this is the first chapter of a book that I am really excited to be writing. This is, in fact a Harry Styles fanfic, although this chapter is sorely lacking our boy Harry.

Don't worry! He will be introduced in the second chapter!

I'd really love feedback if you read this far into it, so let me know what you think!

Pictured at the top is our leading lady, Madilyn Holley, played by the beautiful Jess Conte!

Until next time, XOXO

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