Bonus - Picnic

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You looked over to your husband Hercules lovingly. He looked over to you with a goofy look. You two couldn't be happier.

You were on a picnic with the whole gang. You, Hercules, Phil, Pegasus, and Di and her husband, Rick.

Her son was playing around with Pegasus.

It had been about 1 year after the whole Hades incident. You and Hercules got married about a month after it happened.

You squeezed Hercules's hands and went in for a kiss. He placed his head on your shoulder and you played with his strawberry hair. He sighed and wrapped his arms around you.

"Aww, you lovebirds." Di gushed and turned to her husband with a pout. "Why can't we be more like them?"

"Because you guys aren't cute," Phil said blatantly. Di deadpanned at him and Phil flinched.

"What? They are literal soulmates." Phil said looking over at you two.

You guys looked at each other and blushed. "Maybe..." You both said in unison.

"So... when are the kids coming?" Rick said. You spit the juice you were drinking out on Phil.

He looked at you annoyed. You chuckled sheepishly and shrugged. Hercules looked at you and your lips curled into a smile.

It was hard not to smile seeing that face.

Hercules wrapped his arms around you. "Yeah, when are the kids coming, Y/N." He said huskily making your face burn with embarrassment.

"G-guys. Stop." You mumbled. Hercules chuckled and unwrapped his arm around you. "Just joking. But, really. I'm ready whenever you are."

You cheesed (smiled) so hard and looked down at your toes. Hercules turned away from you and smiled too.

"Alright, guys. It's a little too much." Phil said looking over at them with a disgusted expression. You laughed loudly and so did everyone else.

You picked up a grape and bit into it. The juice from it stung your eye. "Ahh!" You gasped.

"What's wrong?" Hercules asked turning to you. "The juice went into my eye. It's fine." You explained.

He removed your hand from your eye and told you to open your eye slowly. He blew on your eye.

"Thank you." You said softly and he grinned. You held onto his hand and he squeezed yours.

The picnic was great.


It hit midnight and you and Hercules said your goodbyes to Di, her husband, and her kid.

The stars in the sky twinkled brightly and you could feel a warmth as you looked at them.

Hercules stared at you in awe. Your moonlit face was enough to make him weak in the knees.

"You're beautiful." Hercules blurted. Your heart raced as you turned to him. You saw a twinkle in his eyes as bright as the stars.

You smiled at him not knowing how to respond. He moved closer to you and kissed your forehead.

"I'm glad I got dragged to Earth." He said while looking at the stars and you looked at him confused.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you." He turned to you with a sweet smile. You felt like you could cry.

You pulled him into a hug. "I love you." You whispered to him with a small tear falling from your right eye.

"I love you more." He whispered back, embracing you even tighter. Shooting stars fell from the sky and you and Hercules both saw.

I wish I can stay with Hercules forever, you wished. He pulled you in for a kiss and you felt fireworks. Oh, and there were literal fireworks.

"Wow." You said looking up at the sky.

"Wow, indeed." Hercules said while placing an arm around you.

You both looked at each other and smiled. This day was pretty perfect.

Anyway, how did you guys like that one shot? I think it was really cute!!

If you guys like them I'll make even more and they'll be longer :)

Taylor out,

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