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The first thing that came to my mind with this chapter was chaos so that's what the title is called lol 😂


"Hercules! Come out! Face me!" The giant cyclops screamed.

Y/N looked at Hercules while worrying. He walked down the stairs in front of him.

"What are you doing? You don't have your strength! You'll be killed!" She yelled at him.

"There are worse things." He looked at her with a cold expression and she was mostly hurt but confused.

Did he really not believe what she said? About her not having her memories when she worked for Hades. I mean they are- were best friends, so why didn't he believe her word?

"Wait! Stop!" She yelled. Hoping that her weak words could do something.

"So... you mighty Hercules?" The cyclops laughed and pushed Hercules down with the tip of his finger.

He then smacked him and laughed louder. Hercules landed on one of his billboards.

He fell and Y/N gasped. She could do nothing in this situation. She heard horse noises and turned to see a door.

She opened the dolt and was met with Pegasus roped up.

"Easy... what was your name again? Oh right! Easy... Pegasus." She moved closer to him cautiously. He panicked and flew up.

"Whoa! Stop moving!" Y/N said while untying the ropes from him.

"Listen, Pegasus. Hercules is in trouble. We've got to find Phil. He's the only one other than me who can talk some sense in him." Pegasus calmed down along with Y/N's heartbeat.

She was surprisingly calm while riding on Pegasus. I mean- was it because she did it a few times before? Anyway, that wasn't the point. She had to find Phil.

"Phil!" She yelled. He turned to her with an angry face. "Phil, Hercules needs your help!" Phil's brows started to furrow in confusion.

"What does he need me for when he's got his soulmate to!" He yelled. "Soulmate?" She shook it off. "He won't listen to me."  She explained.

"Good! He's finally learned something." He began to walk again but Pegasus growled in his face.

"Look. I know that what I did was wrong but that's in the past this is now! Plus, I didn't have my memory back then..." she rambled then stopped.

"Whatever! It isn't about me! It's about Hercules! If you don't help him now, Phil, he'll die."

Phil stopped.

The cyclops was playing with Hercules like he was a doll and laughing. Hercules landed on his shoulder. He looked like a zombie.

"Flea." The cyclops exclaimed while flicking him. Hercules fell onto a wall and grunted.

"Hercules!" Phil called. "Phil..." He said weakly.

"Come on, kid. Come on. Fight back. Come on, you can take this bum. This guy's a pushover. Look at him" Phil said while dusting Hercules off.

"You were right, Phil. Dreams are for rookies." He sighed exasperatedly while looking at Y/N.

"No, no, no, no, kid. Givin' up is for rookies. I came back 'cause I'm not quitting on ya."

Phil pulled Hercules's face to his. "I'm willing to go the distance. How 'bout you?"

The moment was ruined when Hercules got picked up by the cyclops. "Me bite off head!"

Hercules picked up a torch and dragged it along the cyclops head. It screamed in pain and dropped Hercules.

"Whoa, baby!" Phil exclaimed.

Hercules picked up a bunch of ropes and tied the cyclops feet and it fell to its doom. Y/N saw the column about to fall on Hercules and ran.

"Hercules! Watch out!" She pushed him and the column fell on her.

"Y/N! No!" He screamed. He immediately ran over and lifted the column. He got his strength back.

"What's... what's happening?" Hercules stuttered.

"Hades' deal is broken. He promised I wouldn't get hurt." Y/N explained.

He immediately ran over to her rescue.

"Y/N. Why did you... you didn't have to..."

"It's because you're my best friend. Plus...people do crazy things when they're in love with their best friend." She winked at him and he was frozen.

She smiled at him and he paused before smiling back and laughing. "You haven't got much time. You can still stop Hades." She pulled him into a hug before falling back.

"I'll watch over her, kid." Phil said.

"You're gonna be all right. I promise. I love you." He kissed her forehead before running off to Pegasus.

"I love you too.." she whispered.

"Let's go, Pegasus!" Was the last thing she could hear before she drifted off.

Y/N felt like she was dying. No! She was dying. The pain was unbearable. Phil saw her go cold and he shook his head in disbelief.

Pegasus landed and Hercules hopped off of him. "Y/N..." he said. Phil turned around and shook his head with a sad expression.

Hercules felt his heart break in half. "Y/N, no." He picked up her cold lifeless body and held it to him. His tears stained her clothes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kid." Phil said while wiping one of his tears. He huffed and continued, "There's some things you can't change."

Hercules stopped sobbing. "Yes, I can." He said determined. He was going to get Y/N back no matter the cost.

Taylor out,

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