Before her majesty arrives

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Mark Wayne Windle: **working on his books**

Nagato (m): **walks into his office** Dear?

Mark Wayne Windle: **looks at her** Ja?

Nagato (m): Have you seen Windle-chan lately?

Mark Wayne Windle: Nein, but I did here some talk zat he is with Forest in z Gulag. He is most likely keeping him company. With Zeppy as well. I can call z Gulag and ask if he is zere if you'd like?

Nagato (m): Yes please dear.

Mark Wayne Windle: Understood Nagato.

She walks out of his office and the author continues his work.


Windle-chan: Uncle?

Forest: Yes Windy-chan?

Windle-chan: Um, w-what if z empire is attacked while mein father is busy?

Forest: The foe will be destroyed in the end of course. Mark is a very reliable Admiral. He has years of experience, the mind, and more that he uses to destroy the enemies of the Kaiser. Also, the Queen will be arriving sometime today.

Zeppy: Hmph, I don't see what is so important about a Queen!

Jack: They mainly rule over and have some power and control of the nation they are from. They are very important, just like the Kaiser is.

Windle-chan: Keep zis in mind, z Empress always has more power than a Queen. So, Empress Erika II has more power than Queen Mary in z political field. Father taught me zat.

Forest: That is right, an Empress has more power compared to a Queen. You are growing up very fast, but yet, so slow Windy-chan. At this rate, you may even be smarter than your father by adulthood.

Windle-chan: I am growing very fast I guess. Father has also taught me a small amount of German, and what very little French he can speak, he has also taught me.

Forest: Good, you will be speaking many languages in the future. I wonder when she will arrive?

Abby: I don't know much about this.

Zeppy: Mary will be arriving at about 1 o'clock.

Forest: Who told you that Zeppy?

Zeppy: Mommy did.

Forest: Just like her mother.

Zeppy: E-Eh! Quiet Vad- I mean smelly ape!

Windle-chan: Slowly accepting him as your Vadar.

Zeppy: Hmph! **looks away**

Windle-chan: **chuckles**

He checks his pocket-watch and gasps.

Windle-chan: Mein gott! Her majesty will be arriving in five minutes, we should hurry.

Forest: Eh! Then lets go, she doesn't like to wait for a long period of time.

To be continued....

German translations;

Mein; My

gott; god

Nein; No

Ja; Yes

The Author and His Daily Life (Part 3)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя