"Thank's for coming out on such short notice. My sink is clogged" Barbara said

"Welp, looks like we're gonna need..."  Amethyst the shapeshifts into a plunger.

"One of these!" 

Steven started laughing as Amethyst jumped into Barbara's hand.

"No no no, cut, stop. Notes, Barb, love how you set up the scene. Amethyst, you don't have to become a plunger, just pretend to have one. Observe, and learn"

Jamie them makes hand and arm gestures and making weird moaning noises leaving Preal and Y/n confused while Steven was amazed. 

"That's way too confusing. You could be holding anything"

"I'm holding a plunger"

"Oh, I thought you were holding a long, skinny submarine sandwich"

Y/n snickered.

"Pearl! Be nice!" Y/n said trying to stop giggling 

"It's obviously much more clear if you can see the actual plunger!" Peridot exclaimed.

"Eehh, she's got a point there, dude." Amethyst agreed.

Peridot snickered.

"Looks like I improved improv!"

Just then Dewey's voice could be hair from behind a prop door.

"Did I miss my cue? Oh!" He walked through the prop door. 

"Whatever! Hello ladies, it's me! The waiter in this restaurant! Can I offer you some more... worms?" He offered. 

"Backout" Jamie said kneeling down on one kneel.

"It was better than last week" Pearl said and Y/n nodded in agree.


Steven: My dad is still rich even after buying that telescope, so he's been trying out rich people sports.

Greg and Garnet were playing tennis together while Steven and Y/n watched on a chair.

Y/n: Greg and Garnet  have been playing tennis over on the weekends.

Greg ran back and forth on his side of the tennis court, struggling to keep the ball in the ball going.

"Garnet, this is a little intense for a warm-up. Maybe we could try a light volley?" Greg asked panting.

Garnet, who stood on the other side of the court, extended her arms to hit the ball with great force.

"This is light. Being rich has made you weak"

For the hundredth time Dewey shows up but this time dressed in a tennis outfit and had a racket. 

"Oh, hey! Tennis? Room for one mo- Oww!" Suddenly the ball his Dewey square in the face. 

Y/n pulled down her glasses as she and the others stared at him in silence. 


Steven: Insports related news Underground Werserling has been intense lately. The Marmalade Boys fought each other in, you guessed it, marmalade. The crowd was eating it up!

Y/n: But not literally, because that would be gross!

 Steven: Concrete Heat faced off against the Wolves of Wall Street in a steel cage! And the Good-Looking Gang finally lost the tag-team title to The Sea Wasp and Shark-O-Mania.

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