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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


I was so immersed in my brown study that I didn't even fathom out that mom and I had gotten off the hard, cold floor and I was now lounging in the bed, with my mom on my right, drawing circles in my palm just like how Jimin had done earlier today.

"Thanks, Minji. Thank you for listening to me and understanding me. I would've done something unpredictable if I wouldn't have talked to you today."

I still hadn't figured out why Mom decided to share her feelings all of a sudden with me but I assumed that it was due to all the stress and agony she was going through.

Even if I knew there was more to it.

'Let's keep that mystery for another day' I thought.

Jimin breezed in to my room with a bottle of water and a handful of chocolates. He was well-aware that my mom and I binge-eat a lot of sweets everytime we get stressed.

The lad kept the things on my nightstand where my lamp stood together with my reading glasses and he sat beside me, on my left, mimicking my mom's action. At times, I feel like Jimin gave me more comfort than my mom ever did and that he was acquainted with me as much as my mother. He stared into my eyes the same way a mother looks at her child. Maybe Jimin isn't that deliquent after all.

I couldn't ignore the fact that he had started to look even more whey-faced and.....sick. I wanted to take him to a doctor and give him a tongue-lashing afterwards for not looking after himself but I was so caught up with my own problems that I soon dozed off into the land of Nod.


I was awoken by the disturbing decibels of a car honking. I dragged myself to my window that was installed above the mini-bookshelf across my bed with half open eyes to get a load of the imbecile who chimed in on my sleep.

"MINJI!!!" Jimin yelled."Come down fast, we're going somewhere today."

I couldn't really understand if this was just a dream or reality as I was still sleep-driven. I settled on to believe the former and went back to the land of Nod.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head. You've been sleeping for a whole day now."

My slumber was interrupted for another time today as Jimin kept shaking my shoulders.

'How did he even get into my room?'

"We're going to the amusement park today."

My eyes grew patulous after hearing 'amusement park'. It was always a venue I longed to go. Everything about the park starting from the slow horse rides that played even slower music to wild and fast-paced rides thrived to get my heart longing for more.

Indeed, Jimin truly knows everything about me. Despite all the drama that aroused a while ago, Jimin didn't question me about it or ponder to bring that topic up.

He genuinely does attend to me like as if I'm his daughter. I chuckled at that thought.

Jimin looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and told me to wash up and get ready.

We finally reached the amusement park where the ticket-keeper stood inside his box-like cabinet at the entrance and to my surprise, there were only 2 or 3 people there. After all, it was 5 in the morning! Of course, nobody is as crazy as Jimin to come to an amusement park at the strike of dawn!

My eyelids were growing heavier and heavier as seconds ticked by. They were like a pair of students waiting for the bell to ring so they can finally dart off to their homes.

As Jimin purchased the tickets and we made an entrance into the fun-filled park, I found a long rod which I think was a street light and leaned on it to redeem back all the beauty sleep I lost.

'Should I maybe try for America's got talent?'
I legit can fall asleep anywhere, anytime!

My father had always told me to follow my dreams. So I drifted off to dreamland.

A few minutes had passed by when a tingling feeling pierced through me and I was forced to wake my two students up.

It was Jimin tickling me.

He immediately called a halt to his proceedings when he saw my eyes open and the once mischievous expression was now replaced with a serious one.

"Minji, I want to tell you something. "


I just wanna tell all my readers that I luvv you soo soo much and thanks to all who voted for me in The Maknae Awards!! I actually won second place thanks to all of you!!

I hope that reading this book made you happy and that you enjoyed it buddies!!

Feel free to tell me if there's anything I can do to improve my writing!!

I purple you guys!!
Stay gold in this cold world.

COOKIES 'N' CREAM ✓ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें