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It was the building that I would come to whenever I felt sad, lonely, anxious or happy. Moreover, everytime I came here, I would find Jimin. It was like he put a tracker inside me or maybe he just simply stalks me everyday. The lad would always be there whenever I need some comforting.

He used to be my magic shop. My abode that I used to seek when even I, despised myself.


I don't want to fall for all his tricks that everyone falls for. I know it better than anyone that these are just his filthy tricks to make me like the sinned boy.

Jimin sat on the staircase with his grip still inelastic on my hand and tugged on it so that I would end up on his lap. He put his hand around my waist and fixed his gaze on my Bambi eyes, the other palm drawing circles in my palm.

' Oh wow, now my whole body is free real estate.'

"You better get your filthy hands off me before I chop them off and feed them to my non-existent pet turtle, Park Jimin."

He furrowed his eyebrows and halted his action of drawing circles in my palm. Did I go too far?

"Why park jimin when you can ride him?"

Remember when I thought if I had gone too far? Yeah, me neither.

My eyes widened along with my mouth in disbelief at what he just gave voice to. I was ready to throw hands when he opend that little trap of his again.

"Do you remember the first time we came here? Looks like you didn't go bald even after all that pulling."


"Hey, stop it, Jimin! You're going to make me go bald before I even turn 18 if you keep pulling my hair like that."

I playfully scold my childhood bestfriend Jimin, who kept on doing what he pleased in the middle of the overcrowded streets as it was the peek of the day and that too, a weekend. Since he didn't have any intentions of listening to me, I started running away from this spontaneous, naughty boy only to bump into another one. I looked up, all ready to open my dictionary of curse words and bless this guy's ear with them. But all those intentions of mine were put into halt when I caught sight of him.

I saw Lucas, for the first time. I felt a stinging throe in my heart and started breathing unevenly. My pupils were dilating and I no longer knew where I was going. It was the first time I ever had a panic attack.

First off, I have to admit that this guy was hot and I wouldn't mind selling my future daughter to a grim reaper if he wanted me to but I wasn't such a hopeless romantic that I would end up getting panic attacks from just a glimpse of him. I don't know what triggered me to feel so anxious but breathing normally was getting as hard as solving a Math problem. Maybe harder than Math.

My legs were taking me down the streets stacked up with floating customers who were picking up fights with the vendors for a discount and I ended up in an old building. I just had a glimpse of this guy whom I didn't even know and I already had my anxiety possessing me. Or was he really the reason why my anxiety started kicking in? It's like the monsters that always hid under my bed were now coming for my leg. I should've just kept my legs under the blankets.

My limbs were feeling like jelly and I couldn't understand what was going on around me.

I've always wanted to loose weight but right now, I felt weightless and the world around me was on a merry-go-round.

I just wanted someone to hug me and take me home. I suddenly started to miss my mom's bright smile that never faded away. I wanted her to come hug me and take me home.

Just as I was about to drop to the floor, he slipped his hand through my waist and hugged me.

I don't know who he was, but I was grateful. Grateful that someone heard my thoughts and came to my aid when I needed it the most.

He heard my screams and saved me from the monsters under my bed.

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