7. guardian angels

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beam " i totally lost to you ...."

beam leans forward to kiss " forth"


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after a while ....

mew enters in the hospital patient room and calls out " beam " thinking he is still sleeping  and all alone... but to his shocking.....

forth was sleeping over beams lap .... peacefully.... just like a baby....sound and asleep...

all that mew could express was " what the....." with a mixture of astonishment and happiness....still smiling

mew teasingly " is this how he takes care of you beam.... " still smiling... " forth...."

beam stops mew from waking him up. 

beam "  let him sleep for a bit p.  he seems tired..."

mew " but you are the one who should be resting beam "

beam " i am p. " smiling a sunshine smile " only when he is by my side can i even breath peacefully..." chuckles....

mew nods his head slightly yet felt happy for them....

beam  " p. how is p.gulf and how is our little angel..."

mew flashes a bright smile all along... " you remember them..."

beam " how can i ever forget them... how are they...."

mew " they are totally fine... i should be the one tanking you for helping me with male pregenacy .without you...by now... i would have lost both of them...."

mews eyes were getting teary.... beam suddenly flinches " p.  its k p. i know how it feels... i just wanted to help you coz both of us know how it feels like to be losing their kid..."

mew nods and beam too nods ...but just a few shakes forth was already up. and sat straight...forth " baby you okay...baby...."

mew teases forth " ahhhh ahhh everything is just fine mr.sleepypants.... " flashes a sight over beam and continue teasing forth " is this how you take care of him... forth... sleeping on the lap of the patient on the hospital on the hospital bed peacefully.... ummhuuuu"

forth was shocked and was scratch his head unable to understand whats happening here. and utters to beams ears " baby did  i fall asleep...."

beam laughs , but that dosn't stop p.mew from mocking this cute little new daddy  all along " yes...mr. sleepypants. exactly correct you were sleeping all along that to over the patients lap solong... " pointing his pointer fingers over beams lap... " right there... you were sleeping sound and loud..."

forth felt a sudden surge of pain creeping through him  and he turns towards his beam and asks him to clarify things " baby... are you okay, im sorry ... i didn't mean to... i mean ... is it paining anywhere... was i heavy... is your legs numb" forth slightly kicks his own head with his hand and cursed himself " shit forth.... how can you ....idiot...."

🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳                          (4TH.BM FF} - OmegaVersus/M.PregWhere stories live. Discover now