36. I'm yours

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Forth by reflex graces his fingers over his cheeks and  was shocked to realize his tears were already out staining ...

Forth " my baby..." One more drop rolled out " my beam" few bundle of drops leaped up irresistibly 

His eyes were struck to the ever spread dark sparkling sky above him. 

He couldn't stop himself from chuckling .... he didnt know should he be sarrowed or smiling now.

coz today - now - right at this moment he has his all...but on that one day he almost lost everything... 

At the very moment , unknowing within his mental commotions his  bunch of papers splashed over flowered  floor... 

{{{ yes it is a beautiful flower bedded terrace garden personally styled and decorated by forth for his baby - his beam as beam loves the smell of flowers...he made one only for his precious to be precious}}}

he made one only for his precious to be precious}}}

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

{{{ just imagine it guys.... the entire terrace is filled with multiple flashy colorede flowers ...jsua glimpses of visual will give us piece of mind out of no where...}}}

Forth immediately grabbed them all  very gently. 

there were so many torn paper sheets ... bundled into a clusters ...some were torn...some were crumbled ... some even looked insane  visually - but clearly they all were kept well preserved ... hided at the back side of his very diary.

within multiple sheets of papers one paper caught forths attentions...

there was some date in it... and it was none other than exactly -  two days before  his beams birthday date ... by reflex forth pulled out the very paper very delicately and started reading it. 

To my dear hazer. 

my forth

Baby ...

Do you know I'm yours.

Since the very instance I came to know I'm an Omega.

 there was never a single day I denied to  curse my fate before bedding my self into sleeps.... 


for the first time in my entire existence ...

i feel happy

i fell happy to be owned - 

Happily satisfied with the fact that I'm an omega... 

Your Omega... 

Neither an alpha nor an beta...but an omega... My forth's Omega.  

Just your only Omega

My love.

coz i can have  you all to myself -   my love and  I can hold our  fruit of love within me...

yup.... you read me correct... im having our  fruit of love within me safe and secure baby...

Arn't I'm lucky baby.... 

I love you so damn much my forth.

i trust you forth.

i dont know why 

and more.

 i shoudnt be  trusting  anyone now....

 but i do... i trust you.

i  just trust you  more than any fucking things in this entire world. 

 i just fucking trust you so much  - my dear forth and i know you would never break me ever what ever the reason may be ... 

i know... i know baby.you wont...


Please don't ever baby...coz I will die the very instance without any regret....if something like that ever happen


and more im damn sure you will never leave me alone ever in this harsh world... 

coz i know you too love me so damn much same as me...

 and im sure you will amaze me over the forthcoming day...

its my first birthday with you forth...

 i never liked birthdays but for the first time -  i will ......

and i know my birthday  would be miraculous coz i will have you in my life on my spl day.... 

and i know you will make my special day the most marvelous day of my life...

hope you make my day the best ...my alpha... 

and as a return gift im gonna say our little secret to you...that we are pregnant.... 

im so exited baby.... 

i wish the very day comes soon....

we are  already  missing  you so much, isinit baby .... ( beam is refering hi liitle forth within him) 

where are you forth....come back to us soon... 

love you baby...


Your Omega , your love,  your beam. my love

the moment forth completed reading the letter...

forths tears were non stoppingly leaping out his eyes -  now and his hands crushed the very paper as if exerting his anger over that bit of paper... 

forth "beam... im the one who hurt you the most...i dont deserve you baby..i dont deserve your love baby...you should have  never accepted me back baby...im so sorry...i shouldn't have given up on us...even at death...i shoudnt have ...but i did it...i betrayed you...i left you alone...i hurt you the most  - my love...im so sorry my beam... " forth clenched his bosom and squeezed it to ease his mental pain with his physical pain...but no...it was senselessly painfull for him to end up shedding his pained tears for few 10 or 15 so minutes until he could stop his tap of running waters.

but suddenly...he felt startled as if his soul just snatched out his body when he heard the very voice...

" ba-----eeee------bbbbbyyyy

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🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳                          (4TH.BM FF} - OmegaVersus/M.PregOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora