40. emotions...

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beam still is sunk in the visuals of his beast...he was just flawless and baby like when asleep...

beam curdles him and close his eyes ....and snuggles his burried face in forths bosom...

only to get scooped more dearly within....

beam smiles ....( baby im happy with still you beside me....) 

beam closes his eyes....( those were inevitable my love...

( i love you forth....

the flashback.....

( forth i love you.......) 

beam wakes up abruptly with the alarming sound killing his evening nap...

beam wakes up with atmost difficulty.... its been days since he stepped out  his room... no their room...

its his heat....

but something felt abnormal to beam. it felt like he has already experienced it this heat ... beam can remember even before when he got to know he is an omega , beam felt sick occasionally since he was 16 yrs old and some times it will be hell hot to bear with but everyone including beams nanna told him that he is normally sick and nothing much...at those time no one was allowed to get near beam no matter what...

the very vague thought was damaging his brain cells and his heat was hurting him physically....and to add on the menu...his alpha was assulting him emotionally...


its been 3full days since beam saw forth...

they are indeed in the same home sharing rooms but its been full 3days since he saw any glimpses of his forth... 

forth made it clear that he will stay at couch untill his beam is back to normal...

he promised he wont leave him but will also not hurt him more...

forth did everything for his beam....he made the breakfast for  his beam with so much caring and love or buy takeouts... ( always....only beams fav...) he place it with a note of happy smile a spoon to spoon it mouthfully... 

he always does the laundry for both of them...

clean the room as beam always prefer it neat and tidy...

take care of everything within their love nest... 

 forths always made sure there is  cold running water in his room 24/7  as beam was hell hot that he sometimes end up taking 6-7 showers a day...even at mid night sometimes he wish to have a cold shower...his air-con was at lowest number  still beam felt hot...no...he was in heat...

and with his alpha by his side it was only messing up the situation it was only ragging high and high...his heat...

he wants him  insanely but  no....forth wont give in... no mater what he wont...

he wont touch his beam cause  he is in need or just has to be like forced ... he will have him only when his beam really wants him to... forth was hell determined enough that he  will never force himself over beam no matter what. and he indeed did it... 

forth felt like the heat cycle will only mess-up thing...more....but he never left his beams side...be it near or in his couch.... forth wont budge in the room but stayed away from beam still they texted all night long and forth made sure that beam can feel secure that its nothing but heat... its much less like a food we eat - just need to endure if we are hungry... and more like just a one night stand...like when it done we just forget about it and move on.. its not something impossible... or so important to remember it to feel hurt... beam just  need to endure it a little now ..and he will be fine when the thing is done for once.....

🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳                          (4TH.BM FF} - OmegaVersus/M.PregWhere stories live. Discover now