37. my precious

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{{{ guys im writing it after so long....i really- really  dont know how the cp is going to be coz i feel like im all rusty now with  this story and my writing ...so please bear  with me coz i really wanna complete this story somuch - so.... if at all any instance are repeating  or hell shabby with flow....or not making any sence with plot .. please 🙏bear🙏with🙏silly🙏me ...and sorry for the late update...i was struck with trivias... like always ....and i hope there are atleast 1 or 2 heavenly  peoples awaiting my update...(😪 i know im not that good of a writer...but still🤦‍♀️ just a ghostly wishes😅...sorry for that.and 

happy reading💕😁  }}}

though forths tears ended flooding out.... but those words were still slicing him  mercylessly ....

" Baby.... My forth....do you know....

I'm yours.

Baby for first time after so long I wanna trust someone

I wanna trust you forth


Baby I trust you.

Just never break my trust over you 


Coz I will die...if you eve think about  doing  that....i will die

Love you baby " 

forths heart was bleeding with unspoken words.

(I'm sorry beam 

I betrayed you.

I'm sorry I gave up on our love.

I'm sorry I decided to leave you alone.

I'm soory baby I was the one who hurt you the most in this entire world. )

forth felt like he should run back to beams embrace or he will die at any instance...but no...his body demanded he feels the pain... forth felt like his body is rooted within the flower bedded floor.... 

forths eyes closed shut unknowingly trying to chew out the pain eating him in and out...

his hands were crushing those poor papers...

and drop of pained tear teared out his closed lashes to lash out and blast over the floor.

🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳                          (4TH.BM FF} - OmegaVersus/M.PregМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя