*|Chapter 21|*

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The teacher called Namjoon and Jin up. "You guys got this." Hoseok said. They smiled. The chose their song and went to the center. They started dancing.
Namjoon in black and Jin in red
Ends at 00:47

Me and our friends were cheering them on.

"Let's go boys." I said. They finished and everyone clapped. Hoseok and Yoongi were up next. We put our fists up. They put the song on and started dancing.
Hoseok in black and Yoongi in grey
Ends at 00:57

"Ayyyyy!!!" We were yelling. We were hyping the boys up. After they finished, Taehyung and Bomi went up. They got in position amd started dancing.
Ends at 01:04

Everyone cheered. They finished and sat down.

"Okay Jungkook and Jiwoo." We got up. I told her the song and we got in position. We highfived each other. We started dancing.
Ends at 01:10

I smiled because I love dancing. Our friends were hyping us up. We and Jungkook looked at each other and smiled. We finished and sat down. Our friends hugged us. Dohyun and Haeun went up. They started.
Ends at 01:33

I stared at them in shock amd they laughed at my reaction.

"What the fuck. Yah Dohyun are you gay?!" I said. He laughed amd shook his head. I shook my head while the boys laughed their asses off while cheering them on. After they finished, they came over laughing and hugging me. Jimin and Yujin were up. Yujin looked at me and smirked. I had no emotions amd my friends looked at me. Jimin gave me sad eyes. They turned the song on and started.
Ends at 01:03

I clenched my fist. Yujin had an amused look. 'Why Jimin? I still have feeling for you. I don't know why but I do.' I started tearing up as my friends looked at me and closed my eyes. I opened them up a few seconds later and shed a tear. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. I seen a girl walking. She seen me amd gave me a shy smile.

"Jiwoo I have to asked you something?" She asked. I looked at her.

"What?" I said.

"Can you be my girlfriend?" She asked and looked down. I went to her and lifted her chin up. I pulled her close and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me. I broke it.

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