Chap 17

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"Take a deep breath and just remember what we studied"

Jungkook might have grant one wish of Jisung, and that is to attend school

The kid might be tall for his age but trust me he has never been into school even before

"You are not quite late for anything, Education is not a race. This test will provide your result of Intellectual Quotient"

Jisung glances at Jungkook the last time before entering the room

The test took 1hr and 30min before the kid steps out with a melancholy face

Jungkook obviously prepared this part of the outcome, he was sure the first test wasn't going to work since he had the last few days only to study

"Well we didn't quite expected about Jisung's results today, we were kinda hoping he ould at least get 70-79 borderline ---"

Jungkook  sighs that made the proctor stopped talking anticipating his response

"I apologized for that, it's been days since we started and I know he would do his best than getting the borderline --"

"It's 114"

Jungkook stopped talking the minute he heard the results


"I suggest we start him in his 4th year"


"This type of gap bridging is going to make an exemplary person out of him, people will take advantage at this point just to be with him"

people will take advantage at this point just to be with him

people will take advantage at this point just to be with him

people will take advantage at this point just to be with him

Jungkook drives as those statement continuously flashes his mind

As the latter orders their food he can't keep his attention diverted to Jisung

persuading him to start at the verge would be difficult

"Jisung-ah you don't mind starting at Senior levels right?"

the kid idles for awhile before sipping his drink

"That's fine with me"

Jungkook nods and flashes him a reassuring smile

"Then I'll enroll you somewhere prestigious and nice"

The two guys went home to start things up like enrolling him and getting his schedules

after that they both went shoppingf for Jisung's first day, he was lucky enough to get into the schoo last minute

Dea struggled from her last test which is Jungkook's and the latter barely talked to him

"Come on babe that paper was fair and equitable for all"

Dea rolled her eyes in annoyance continuing to talk before setting the table

Jungkook snatch the plates from her placing it gently on the table before snatching Dea's arm towards him

He cups her face looking straight in her gloomy eyes before planting kisses all over her face, the down emotional girl soones turned into a happy one

"I want Geon Woo to meet Jisung,  he's a really nice kid you know"

Dea smiled and caresses Jungkook's face,

"Yes sure let's do that"

As the Parrotcontest was nearing Jungkook mostly handled Geon Woo and his job in balance, he was not mostly at home but he calls Jisung from time to time

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