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A/n: Hello, my dearest bonis!

I just want to thank you for reading RENOWN 1 (I'm sure you have read the first book, that's why you are here). Welcome to RENOWN 2! I hope you'll love it and support this story as much as you do (or more than you do) on Series #1.


The story of Kyza Loren Suizo and Hummer Zheng. Let us all sweeten their bitter hearts.

(Better to read after reading RENOWN 1: Doubtlessly Mine.)


Note: This story contains mature scenes and language/s that may trigger unwanted feelings. Please read with caution. (This is not suitable for readers under 18 years old. Read at your own risk.)

P.S. This is fictional. People, events, (some) places, businesses, etc. are products of the author's imagination. If there'll be any resemblance to any actual person, event, etc. in real life, those are purely coincidences and unintentional.

Enjoy reading!

Copyright ©️ 2022 - B.

All rights reserved.

RENOWN SERIES 2: Sweetened LifeWhere stories live. Discover now