Chapter 4

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Alien life form encountering alien technology.

The Guardian didn't know why the object orbiting the planet suddenly began to rotate, tumbling when it touched it.  Nor did it know of the alarm klaxons sounding in a building down on the surface of the blue world.  To the Guardian, it was as if the thing was alive.

The first flash of light tore through it like a dagger, ripping away parts of it’s life energy as it shot out into the blackness of space.  If it knew pain, it would have been in agony.  Another burst followed by others, each burst of light stealing away it’s life energy as well as awareness.

It mercifully let one of the light bursts carry him away with the beam, sending him down toward the planet below an instant before the object exploded.

It found itself in a rocky desolate are on a continent in the northern hemisphere.  Away from the object it felt weak, confused, but no longer being pierced by the light daggers it emitted.  Was it some kind of weapon?

Its thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the eight bipedal creatures lying in a circle around a pile of burning embers.  It didn't have to look twice to know they were dying as their DNA began to break down from the massive dose of Omega radiation it was composed of.

Feeling at fault, the creature quickly began to study them.  Even in its weakened state the Guardian knew it could restore them to their original states and save their lives.  The question was what was their natural state?  They possessed characteristics of a dozen primitive races from across the stars.   Choosing the wrong one could have a drastic impact on them, their race, even their planet.

Time was running out.  In a desperate move, it looked into each of their minds, drawing on their last thoughts to reconstruct them to the way they were. 

Or so it thought.

Several minutes later, the Guardian was done, satisfied that they would recover.

Drastically weakened, it slowly rose back up into the night sky.  It needed rest.  Hoping to recover with the aid of it’s energy, the creature headed off toward the world’s sun.  As it did, it turned back momentarily to look at the eight glowing cocoons lying motionless in the desert.

It liked this race.  It wasn't sure why, but when it was stronger, it hoped to be able to come back to study them.  These eight creatures were intriguing and possessed many of the attributes of warriors found on other planets.  Perhaps one day they could join the fight against the Kaldorian Empire. 

The sun shining brightly, the hot desert air, a throbbing headache, and aches and pains that made me wonder if I’d been hit by a truck.

It however, was the screams that snapped me out of the lethargy.

Kelly was sitting up on her sleeping bag.  She was terrified!  Her face was pale and tears streaming down her cheeks.  Beverly and Renee were already at her side.

“It was horrible,” she kept screaming, ignoring Beverly and Renee’s efforts to calm her.  “There was blood and fire.  People… people were dead.  It was horrible!”

“It was just a dream,” Renee told her placing her hand on her shoulder.

No!  No it wasn't it was real.”

“Kelly,” Beverly said softly.  “I want you to take a deep breath and relax.  It was only a dream.”

Almost like a switch had been thrown, Kelly instantly took a deep breath began to relax.

“It… it seemed so real.”  Kelly voice was still shaky, but she was regaining her composure.

“Is this some kind of joke?” Sue almost shouted angrily.

Perfect Victims (Formerly Kidnapped: Stolen in the Night)Where stories live. Discover now