Chapter 15

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When we arrived at the warehouse, it was darker than usual. The shadows seemed eerie and somewhat spooky. The lights were off, but the sunlight that had previously shone through the dirt streaked windows was strangely absent.

"Anyone see a light switch?" Byte asked.

As if on cue a brilliant flash of light filled the warehouse, blinding us. Almost immediately there was a deafening explosion like a gunshot that shook the building. The three of us instinctively dropped to our knees, reaching for our power belts as the sound rumbled off into the distance. A second flash of light illuminated the warehouse followed by a deafening crack.

It took a moment to realize that a summer monsoon storm was blowing through. The sound of rain hitting on the roof of the metal building quickly turned into a deafening roar as the skies opened up in a deluge.

Chuckling, we got back to our feet.

There was sudden movement in the shadows as menacing red eyes came out of the darkness.

"I want you to stop," Charmer said as Sarge moved out into the light. He didn't stop.

"He's a robot," Byte pointed out. "Your power won't work on him." She stepped forward. "My power, however, will."

Byte reached out for Sarge. In a flash Sarge reached out and grabbed her arms and threw her aside like a rag doll.

"Byte," I shouted raising my hand to zap him. Too late. Sarge whirled around and knocked my arm aside sending my static bolt astray. Before I could react, his other armed reached for me, his arm telescoping out and slamming into my chest and knocking me backwards.

My head slammed into something hard leaving me stunned. I slumped to the ground, dazed and helpless. I struggled to get up as I dimly realized Sarge was leaning over me, reaching out with his mechanical arms to finish me off.

Suddenly he stopped and moved upright. His eyes suddenly went to a dim, less threatening white. I blinked, trying to focus as a figure appeared and knelt over me.

"Cuz, are you alright?" Charmer asked in concern. She reached out and helped me to my feet. My legs were shaking and my knees weak.

"Yeah, I think so," I told her as I reached up and rubbed the bump on my head. It was tender, but I didn't think I did anything permanent. Charmer quickly turned her attention to Byte as she struggled to her feet.

I could smell something burning. A quick look revealed Tony's laptop was in flames, struck by my errant static bolt. I quickly rushed over, looking for something to put out the fire as it spread to nearby papers on the table.

"I'm fine," Byte said waving off Charmer's hand. "I just got the wind knocked out of me. Sarge is quicker than he looks." It was then that she noticed the flames and the acrid smell of burning plastic and paper filling the warehouse. "Oh, no."

Charmer quickly pulled out her cell phone. "Element, we need you. Quick!"

It only took a few seconds for him to appear. He wasn't alone. The others were with him.

Element took in the scene and sprang into action.

"Fire needs oxygen," he said as a mist began to spray from his hands. "I'll simply change it to carbon dioxide." Instantly the flames died down.

"What happened?" Mover asked.

I quickly told her the events that occurred as Shrinker moved to examine Sarge.

"What did you do to Sarge?" he asked after I'd finished. Sarge stood motionless and didn't seem as formidable.

"Simple," Charmer said motioning for us around to the back of the bulking robot. She gestured at a switch on its back near his head. "I turned him off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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