Chapter 14.

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I had seen Kelly have her visions before. Usually she would just stand motionless, seemingly just staring out into space. This was different. Sweat was pouring from her brow and her eyes were wide with her pupils rapidly enlarging and shrinking.

Then after a few seconds it was over and she seemed to come out of it.

Kelly looked around, clearly disorientated. She looked at me.

"We have a problem," she said. "Come on." She headed toward the door, clearly in a hurry.

"Dreamer..." I started to say.

She rushed back and grabbed my hand. "Come on!" She began dragging me behind her. She was clearly upset about something.

The two geeks were still in their trance under Charmer's power. She was standing guard over them. White Sorceress was finishing clearing our information from the BMI machine.

Kelly made a bee line to Tony and Butch.

"We need to ask them some more questions," she said to Beverly.

"Sure," Beverly said seeing Kelly's concern.

"Ask them how many heroes are in Phoenix Force."

Beverly did as Kelly asked.

"Four," Tony and Butch answered flatly as Renee came over to join us.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Kel, uh, Dreamer had a vision that spooked her pretty bad," I told her.

"Do you plan on using drugs? Chloroform? Injections?" Kelly asked urgently.

"Do you plan on using chloroform or some kind of injections?" Beverly repeated.

"Uh, no," Tony replied.

"What's going on?" I asked Kelly. She took a breath.

"There is somebody else and they are after us. They know about the others and how to neutralize our powers." She hesitated for a moment. "And I think they know who we are."

"Of course they do," Renee said quietly. "We've been all over the news."

"No, you don't understand. They know who we are; our real identities."

"Whoa," I said quickly. "What makes you think that?"

"I had a vision. I was in a room lined in gold padding. There were eight beds with gold bedding and restraints."

"Why do you think they are for us?" I asked.

"There were outfits lying on the foot of the beds with the emblems from our costumes." She hesitated. "Then they changed and had our names on them. Our real names."

"That doesn't sound good," Renee said quietly.

"And the pillows on the beds had our initials monogrammed on them. Our first and last initials. They know our names or at least they are going to find them out."

"Charmer," I said, "make sure these two don't remember anything. We need to get with the others and figure out what to do."

As soon as she had done so, we teleported to HQ.

Arriving in the garage, we quickly filled the others in.

"So what do we do?" Connie asked.

"We have to go after them before they can come after us," Sue said firmly.

Perfect Victims (Formerly Kidnapped: Stolen in the Night)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu