1 - The New World

Start from the beginning

Realizing more time has passed, I jump out of bed - almost tripping in the process, and race to get dressed. I tug on a black tank top and a pair of leggings quickly and take a quick look in my standing mirror to check my hair and clothes. My long curls cascade down my back, a bit messy but that's to be expected. I tame them as best as I can, tie them back loosely in a low ponytail, and rush downstairs. As soon as I reach the bottom, my mom walks through the door, just getting home. She works part time at a small artisan shop in the small town about half an hour away from our house.

Due to dad being a top tier lawyer who works from home, she wanted a low key job outside of the house once we moved out here. We're well off as a family - and mom wouldn't really need to work, but she stated that this was what she wanted and Dad didn't question it. I admire the respect Dad holds for Mom and I can only hope that maybe I'll be like them someday.

"Hi sweetheart, just let me get changed and then we can go. Is your father in his office already?" I nod, and stare at her as she heads up the stairs and out of sight.

I've always thought my mom was beautiful. Her long, wavy chestnut brown hair that just hits the middle of her back, her face with slender features, and the strong, and confident personality and sharp mind that makes you never want to get on her bad side ever. She's been an amazing mother to me, and like any daughter, I have always looked up to her immensely. I've always wished I could be as pretty and strong minded as she is since I was a little girl. The one feature of her that I've always admired and loved about her are her eyes. Slightly round and striking blue, they almost seem to glow and look into your soul. I always wish I had gotten her eyes, but mine were a stormy grey instead of blue.

It's those eyes of hers that are looking at me now, while she waves her hand annoyingly if to get my attention.

"Hello? Earth to Davyna......You coming?" My mother asks as she waits by the back door. When did she come back down? I snap out of my trance and look at her. "Yeah, sorry mom just distracted." I smile at her genuinely as I make my way over to the bench by the door where the firewood bags are. I swing one over my shoulder and look at her once more before we walk out the back door together.

As we walk out outside, I take note of how weirdly quiet it is. Normally I hear noises of the many animals that live in the forests around our house, but tonight I hear nothing. I shiver, even though it's not cold. It's June! I shake off the weird feeling and follow my mom towards the tree line near the back of our house.

"So how was your day?" I ask as we head towards the large pile of logs that dad had gotten from a few trees he had cut down for us. "It was fine honey, same old same old as usual" She says sweetly as she places her bag down near the pile and looks around. "Do you see your father's axe anywhere?" She says while walking around the wood pile, peeking under and over the logs.

I take a quick look myself. "No, I don't mom. Maybe he put it back in the shed?"

"Not sure why he'd put it back if he knew we were coming out to chop wood. Maybe he forgot. Can you go see if it's there? I don't want to bother him while he is working unless I absolutely have to." I look at her and nod. "Sure, be back in a second."

"Thanks Davyna." She smiles at me and I smile back as I turn away.

I make my way across the right side of the backyard and down a slight incline towards the shed. Once I'm in front of it, I reach out and pull open the door with both hands. It creaks as it normally does and I peek inside and turn on the overhead light. Its dim, but enough that I can see the axe hung up on the wall in its usual spot. I grab it, walk out and close the shed door and make my way back.

I'm looking down at the axe in my hands when I say "Found it! Weird that Dad put it in the shed. You want to start or sh.." I get interrupted. "Davyna...get inside the house." My mom states coldly. I look up to reply, but stop when I see her standing in front of me with her back facing me. I look around to see what has her so tense when I see him and my mouth clamps shut.

He's tall, slender but clearly built. He's wearing all dark clothing, I can't really tell exactly what. As I look up to his face, my heart leaps into my throat. His eyes are completely red almost as if his pupils are bleeding into the whites of his eyes.

A vampire? What is a vampire doing all the way out here? I tighten my hold on the axe.

"Davyna, you need to listen to me. Get inside now!" She raises her voice as she looks back at me over her shoulder slightly with her blue eyes full of worry, but she makes sure not to turn her back on this mysterious man, who clearly isn't here for a friendly visit. I go to back away and follow her demand, but I freeze when he finally speaks.

"Not so fast special one." I shudder at his haunting tone as I look back up to his face and see him smirk. 


 - These first few chapters are slow, keep with me! I promise it gets better. Gotta get that backstory laid out lol 
 - Also, song lyrics that somewhat go with the feel of the chapter will be posted at the top. Check them out, you might find some music you like.

 - See you in the next one!  - vv

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