~Time Skip~

It was the next day and the race was about to start. "Sup, guys!" You greeted. "Hey, (name)! Is Cheetu going to be here?" Alix asked excitedly as everyone looked at you with faces full of expectation. Sheepishly, you rubbed the back of your neck. "I hate to break it to all but I was just joking with Kim when I said that. I don't really know Cheetu. Sorry, guys." Everyone groaned in disappointment. "Ha, I should have known! You lied about Cheetu just to make me look bad! Looks like the joke's on you!" You shot an irritated glare at the self-absorbed boy. "If you're trying to piss me off, I would suggest you not do that." You threatened menacingly causing him to gulp in fear.

As minutes passed by, Alix and Kim were stretching at the starting line while everyone began gathering by the race track. You and Nathaniel were engaged in a random conversation about your favorite YouTuber to pass the time until everyone arrived. "(Name)!" You flinched in surprise seeing Alya rush up to you. "Wh-what?"

"I heard that you are friends with Cheetu! Can you get me an interview with her, please?!" Alya begged. "Sorry, Alya. I was just messing with Kim when I said that." You told her. "Darn! I was really hoping to get an interview with her for my Ladyblog." She pouted disappointedly. "Sorry about that." You apologized, sheepishly. "It's alright. Where's Marinette? She's supposed to bring the banner."

As if on queue, said girl rushes over to join the group. "I'm here!" She announced, slightly out of breath from running. "Did you bring the banner?" Alya asked. Marinette unrolled the banner, causing everyone to gush and awe at her artwork. "Impressive, Marinette." Adrien complimented, making the blue-haired girl giggle with glee.

"You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Alix doesn't have the skill to go up against a real athlete like me!" Kim taunted. "Yeah right! I'm going to leave you in the dust, Meat Head!" Alix retaliated. "Oh please! My neck is bigger than your thigh!" Kim boasted, making you roll your (eye color) eyes. "Yeah, because chicks dig dudes with thick necks." You commented sarcastically, causing Alya and Marinette to giggle. "The race will consist of two laps around the fountain. If Kim wins, Alix will have to give her rollerblades to him. If Alix wins, Kim can no longer declare any more dares for the rest of the school year."

"Leave him in the dust, Alix!"

"Yeah! We're sick of all those stupid dares!"

"No more dares!"

"On your mark... Get set... Ready..."

"Hold up!" Alix shouted, causing Kim to trip and fall forward. You along with everyone else laughed at the poor unfortunate boy. "Forfeiting already, Alix?" He taunted. Alix took something out of her pocket and handed it to Alya. "Here, hold on to this for me please?"

"B-but wai-"

"Guard it with your life! It's a family heirloom!" She instructed before rushing back to the starting line. "On your mark... Get set... Ready... Go!" Without wasting another second, Alix and Kim took off. Everyone began cheering and screaming in excitement as the race went on.

"Marinette, can you hold this? I need to record the race for my blog." Alya said as she handed it to her blue-haired bestie. "B-b-but... I have to hold the banner." Marinette stammered as she struggled to hold the said banner. Desperate, she looked in your direction. "(Name), can you hold this for Alix please?" She asked placing the item in your hand. "Why do I have to-" You were about to protest but you stopped as you looked at the pocket watch.

'This is pretty cool. It looks expensive. I wonder how much it's worth.'

"I didn't know you liked pocket watches, (name)." Adrien said. "It's Alix's. Not mine. I'm just holding it for her. I should probably put it in my pocket for safekeeping." Just as you were about to slip it in your pocket, your unfriendly neighborhood Chloe decides to screw up the day. "Ooo, what's this thing?" She asked, swiping the trinket out of your hand. "Give it back, Chloe! It's not mine!" You demanded as you tried to snatch it back but she moved it from your reach. "Oh? Are you admitting that you stole it? I should call the police now then." Chloe accused. "She's right, Chloe. It belongs to Alix. She was just holding it for her." Adrien defended. "Alix? If she owns it then it can't be worth anything. What even is this thing?" Curious, Chloe pressed a button on the pocket watch causing a mysterious bright light to glow. "Ah!" She gasped as it fell out of her hands and rolled onto the track. Before anyone could do anything, Alix skated over it causing it to break into many pieces. Everyone gasped in shock.

Unaware, Alix turned around and gasped at the state of her pocket watch. "Oh no! My old man gave me this for my birthday!" She exclaimed as she scooped up all the pieces. "Did you do this?!" She questioned, looking towards Alya. "Well, I had to record the race. So I gave it to Marinette." Alya explained. "I had to hold the banner so I gave it to (name)." Marinette explained. "I was holding it but then Chloe snatched it from me and dropped it on the track." You explained, glaring at the blonde girl who scoffed in response. "As if! I totally had nothing to do with it!"

"You're all to blame!" Alix yelled before skating away. "Alix, wait!" Marinette called out as she ran after her. Everyone else started murmuring to themselves guiltily. Meanwhile, you shrugged your shoulders. "Well, I guess I'll go home and make a sandwich."  With that being said, you started heading home. "Don't you feel sorry for Alix?" Purrsia asked, peeking out of your jacket pocket. "Of course I do but it's not like we can go back in time and save the watch."

"My name is Time Breaker and I'm gonna go back in time to save my watch!" Alix announced in her now akumatized form. You rolled your eyes, while everyone began to scramble away in panic. "Right...I forgot this is the city of magical weirdos..."

While everyone began to scatter around in panic, you took the opportunity to hide behind a wall. Purrsia flew out of your jacket pocket. "Purrsia, time to dash!" Within seconds, you had transformed into your feline alter ego, Cheetu.

Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now