"My friends are busy," I admitted.

"Well, come sit with us then." Sade, one of her friends, moved over in the booth, patting the empty spot next to her.

I took a moment to think about it before getting up and joining them. I never really hung out with people outside of my friend group, I was cool with everyone but I pretty much just stayed with my crew. The only time I would ever mix it up was if it was the rare days where Calvin invited me to hang out with him and his friends. Or his friends just saw me and wanted me to sit and say hi or get my opinion on stupid boy stuff.

So sitting with them and hearing what they were talking about was interesting.

"If anything I'd want my first date to be with Joey," June told us.

"Joey is the only white boy in our school, June." Melissa countered.

"He's not the only one," June protested.

Melissa didn't care either way. "Well, there's way more of us then there are of him."

"Can't deny he's cute." Sade smiled. "Nice blue eyes. His brown hair looks really soft too."

"Bitch, get your own." June snapped, giving her a look, making me smile.

"I have my own, Jaleel asked me on a date," Sade announced, sparking all of our interests.

"Jaleel Jaleel?" Melissa gasped. "Fine Jaleel?"


"Jaleel that runs around with Q and Tahj, Jaleel?" Melissa pressed.

"Yes." Sade giggled softly.

Jaleel Carter was one of the more attractive dudes in our grade, he was humble about it though. One thing I had to give Quincy props on was how he managed to be friends with all of the guys girls wanted to be with. So I wasn't that surprised at what I heard next.

"Oh, do not even get me started on Q," Niecy said.

"They went roller skating together one time and she's sprung," June filled me in.

"I am not sprung. And it wasn't a date, but he's cute." Niecy smiled, it was a bit obvious she was trying to play it cool. "What do you think, Nae?"

All of their eyes looked to me with interest. June and her friends were like a lot of girls around, they liked gossip. I didn't feel comfortable speaking so freely around them, and it wasn't like I had anything to their liking to contribute.

"About Quincy?" I questioned, feeling uncertain.

"About anybody." She clarified. "Who you got eyes for? Valentine's Day is coming up."

"No one really," I admitted. "I'm not trippin' off of Valentine's Day."

"Oh," Sade spoke, and her face said it all, she wasn't impressed. But she was quick to smile and move onto a new topic of discussion. "I heard Kaylen and Aaron are together. What's up with that?"

"They're friends," I told them.

"Really?" June gave me an unconvinced look.

"Yeah." I nodded. "She told me they're just cool."

"Well somebody's lying. They were holding hands in the hall today." Niecy stated.

The news caught me off guard. I always knew stuff about my girls before everyone else, that's how we always were.

I only chatted with them a little while longer before I made my way home.

I didn't need more friends, I needed my friends.


Fortunately for my sanity, the period of me being the lone wolf didn't last forever. We all came together to support Will's first basketball game. Spending time after school making a poster and catching up on each other's lives.

Turns out Kaylen and Aaron were officially together, and Nicki was over her crush on Rahiem and onto someone else, whose little brother she watches at her mother's daycare. He even gave her a Hershey's bar on Valentine's Day. Raquel was going full speed ahead with her student government campaign, all of us, of course, promised to have her back.

I didn't have much of an update to give.

I was just glad to have them back.

All of us sat in the bleachers repping our school colors, and watched the game unfold, rooting for Will like no one's business. Our team managing to bring home a successful win. And to celebrate, we all went to get milkshakes at Eddy's with the rest of the team and other schoolmates.

"You're really saying a lot. You're saying a lot right now." Nicki waved Leon off with her hand, dismissing his agruement.

"Why can't Tupac be in the hip hop walk of fame?!" He demanded.

"The hip hop walk of fame doesn't exist!" I exclaimed. "And Pac hasn't even been on the scene that long."

"It's been a good three years of prime music from that man." Leon stated.

"Ice-T has been around for the longest, but there still ain't a hip hop walk of fame." I countered. 

"He started dabbling in that rock shit. I don't know about him."

"Stop arguing with me," I commanded, leaning back in my seat. There was no winning against this kid.

"Don't act like you wouldn't die if Pac walked through those doors right now. Put some respect on his name."

"That's beside the point." I smiled.

The girls were quick to get excited about my known celebrity crush. "Ooouuuu!"

That just made me put my head down, trying to conceal my smile.

"What you gonna do if he walks through the door, Nae?" Kaylen nudged me as I lifted my head.

"Ion know," I mumbled.

"Oh, you know." She smirked.

I let out a laugh. "Stop!"

"Nae Nae's got a crush." Rocky joked, making me roll my eyes.

"Nobody calls me that anymore." I grumbled. "Now move, I'm getting a refill." I nudged her leg, and she just slipped out the booth giving me room to get up with my cup and make my way to the front counter.

"Refill?" The girl behind the counter asked, and I nodded.

"Vanilla," I told her, and she just nodded, grabbing my cup.

I drummed my fingers on the counter as I waited, looking around a bit. My eyes finding Quincy sat at a booth with his friends. I watched as he laughed, fully engaged in the conversation he was having. And I quickly looked away, not wanting to stare too long.

My refill was soon placed in front of me, leading me to make my way back to my booth. Our group consumed in yet another debate as I took my seat.

I just sat silently observing as I sipped on my milkshake, my eyes deviating over to Quincy's table after a while.

I tried holding back a shy smile when I noticed his eyes looking around my area before settling on me, his lips quirking up ever so slightly.

At the time, I was focused on the fact that my friends and I were in a good place. Little did I know that I would be making more friends.

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