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This is not a chapter but I have a few announcements .

First: Thank you guys so fucking much for 2.38k reads , that's so amazing . I wouldn't be able to be so persuaded in writing with out you guys .

Second: My chapter will be up soon !!!!!

Third:I would like to know if you guys could make me a new cover . I made the one I have now and the cover sucks so if you are interested in making me a cover my kik is halogirl1402 or you can just message me and I will repay you in a way .

Last but not least:Thank you to all the people that have been reading this since my horrible two-paged chapters . You guys are amazing and I'm happy that you're still reading this ...... still

So a big thank you to all of you and yeah . Oh and I'm going to be changing the chapter little things so yeah .

Darkness Meets Light Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now