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"Will your brother kill me if I take you out after this ?"

"No, I will make sure of that ." I giggled .

Kian then acknowledge what song the boys were playing and commented on how complex the song was . I agreed I mean that was the plan originally . We then had to stay two hour longer it was now around 9:30 . It was up to three groups . A group of girls that were wearing skimpy outfits, a full on metal band wearing all black they had long hair and leather .... everything, then there were the 4 idiots up there . The full on metal band then got booted off . It was up to the sluts and the boys .

"What I can't believe it, Good Girls has won !!!"

The boys walked off stage and Kian booed with many others I did too . It was bullshit . This just showed that all the men that were judging were horny .

"Oh well you guys rocked it !" I yelled .

They shrugged . I felt bad that they felt this way . The boys then started walking to the car . Before anything I wrote down my number and put it in Kian's back pocket . I knew he could feel it because he looked back and I just winked .

"Hailey, so where are going now ?" Calum asked .

I fake yawned . "Actually guys I need to go home it's really late ."

They all begged . Then the finally agreed . One of the guys then suggested a club since I wasn't going . My phone then vibrated .

Kian: We still on for tonight ?
Before I could even reply back he texted again .
Kian: if so address ?

I then texted him back . The boys dropped me off . Right as they turned down the street . Kian pulled up to my house . He flashed a smile . I walked around the car and got inside to it .

"So what are you in the mood for ?" He asked .

I couldn't think about anything that I would want to do .

"I honestly do not care ." I said buckling up .

"How about some fro-yo and a walk around that park ?"

"Sounds great ." I smiled a lot .

It was weird in the small amount of time I've smiled more with Kian than I have within a day with Luke . Kian was different, but still had some similarities , tattoos, messed with his hair a lot , and he does this lip bite thing that drives me crazy . When we got to the frozen yogurt shop it was fun . Kian would make fun of the topping I was getting and he would sneak some of the toppings into his pocket . We got up to the cash register I started taking my wallet out and Kian stopped .

"No, no, no I'm paying ." He said handing the slightly obese woman his card .

We walked out and just walked to the park . It was nice . We had very nice and meaningful conversations and when I said something sarcastic Kian would just laugh . Oh his laugh was so adorable . He would scrunch up his nose and close his eyes really tight . It was so fucking adorable .

It was now 11:00 .

"Alright Kian ." I yawned . "I really need to go home ."

We walked over to the car and he took me home . He also walked me up to my front door .

"Hailey, I don't know if this is too soon but will you be my girlfriend ?"

"Oh my gosh, of course !" I hugged him really tightly . He then pecked me on my cheek .

"Night babe ." he said starting to walk away .

I blushed . I walked inside my house and just screeched in excitement . My phone then buzzed .

Darkness Meets Light Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now