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"Hello?" His voice was groggy.

"Hi Mikey. Can you come over to my house we need to talk!" I spoke into the phone. He agreed.

It only took him a few minutes to get to my house. When I let him into the house he looked at me with a such worry in his face. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

"So, I've been thinking about that kiss. I think he would be better just as friends. I don't want to ruin this friendship. It was my own stupid fault for running back into your car and kissing you again. I've just been so lonely lately and it felt good to feel appreciated-"

He cut me off, "Hailey, I actually wanted to talk to you about the kiss. I was little intoxicated so it was the alcohol talking and well, kissing." He giggled, "I want you to know that I do love you like a sister just not in a girlfriend way."

I was relieved by what he was saying. I gave him a big hug. It felt like I could breath a little easier. I'm so happy. Michael stayed for a little while longer until he got a call from Calum.

1 down, 2 more to go. Why did I have a feeling that the next two were not going to be much easier. I ran upstairs and took a shower, did my makeup and threw on a short dress.

I walked back downstairs and called Luke. While I was waiting for him to get to my house I was just on my phone. This was going to be the right thing to do, that's all I kept saying to myself. He rang the doorbell and I jumped up and walked over to the door with confidence.

I opened the door and there he stood. His hair all nice and slick, his raybans that I used to drool over, a white tee that you could see his tattoos perfectly, black jeans and converse.

"Hey babe." He said handing me a group of roses. I blushed a little. I invited him in. "So what did you need to talk to me about?" He said as we sat on the couch.

My hand was resting on my knee and he rubbed the top of it with his thumb. As he did that flashbacks just came so quickly to me, he did this while I was shot and passed out, or when he saved me from the two perverts that were following me after the concert. He was a sweet guy to me at times.

"Wow this is going to be a lot harder than I thought. " I mumbled looking down at the ground.

"Babe what's going on?" He said putting my chin up so I was looking at him.

"Hold I will be right back." I got up and grabbed my phone and walked into the kitchen. I dialed Kian's number. It rang once and he answered.

"If were to get in a relationship where do you think we would go? Would ever want to get married to me? Would you not be afraid to show everyone I'm yours?"

"Who's this?" A feminine voice spoke into the phone."

"I'm Hailey, who are you?" I questioned.

"I'm Regina, Kians girlfriend."

"Oops wrong number!" I hung up. Well that answers my question.

I walked out of the room and Luke was still sitting there.

"If we were to get in a relationship, would you not be afraid to show people I'm your girlfriend?" He has confusion on his face. "Later on down the road would you still love me even if I've gone crazy?" I sounded crazy right now.

"Yes, yes, what's this all about?" He asked holding my hands in his.

"I like you Luke. You're the one for me." I said. I could really breath now.

"I like you too Hailey! Does this mean you don't hate me?" He asked.

Without saying anything I just hugged him. He then offered lunch and I was all for it. We ran out to his car. This car drive was different than the others. We were smiling, having a good time! We went to this little Italian restaurant.

During dinner we would crack jokes and really get to know each other. It was going really good until a slutty blonde walked by and recognized Luke.

"Hey baby, where've you been? I've been missing you" she said tapping her lower region. I was disgusted.

"Um, I've actually been trying to get into a relationship as you can see. This is my date Hailey." He said.

A huge grin was plastered on to my face when he said that. She looked at me with disgust and then walked away. Luke apologized many times for her. I said it didn't matter. Nothing could bother me right now. We finished eating and as we walked outside it was down pouring. You couldn't see the moon because of the clouds. We stood under the balcony for a minute to take it in.

Luke than took off his leather jacket and gave it to me. I smiled and we ran out to his car. Once we got we laughed at how bad our hair looked now.

When he drove up to my house he stopped the car. I was never used to him doing this. He made me wait in the car while he ran around in the rain to open the door for me. He helped me out of the car and then walked me up to the door.

"This was really fun." I smiled. He agreed. I couldn't get over his smile. "Also thanks for letting me where jacket to get to the car." I handed his jacket back.

"Oh don't worry it looked good on you, I should let you borrow my stuff more often." He winked.

There was silence. It was very awkward. Then he did it. He kissed me and it was so sweet and passionately so never felt this way before either when someone's kissed me. It felt like fireworks and I had butterflies in my stomach. We pulled away and had huge smiles.

"Well I'm gonna go inside. I will talk to you later." I said awkwardly.

"Goodnight babe." He said and kissed my hand.

I walked in and he was still standing on my porch. As I dropped my purse on the floor I checked the peephole and watched him walk back to his car. He did a little happy jump back to his car and then ran so he didn't get drenched. This was an amazing night.

•I missed you all so much! Thank you to all the ones that have stuck with me through all this. I am so sorry I haven't been updating lately. I am doing better now! Not 100% but I'm getting there. I love you all and I will talk to you soon•

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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