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As I stand outside of my new school I get a good look at it . It looks like a normal High School, crowded entry ways.

They are all separated into their own groups . I walk inside the school and go straight to the office. I go up to the front desk and tell her that I'm new here. All she does was give me a small glance hands me a piece of paper and tells me to sit down, I start to walk over to the chair and roll my eyes because they are always the same .

I just look around and then the door opens and a guy with this crazy white and black hair but it looked good on him.

"Hi I'm Michael, you must be Hailey." He looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah that's me." I look at him.

"Well can I see your schedule?" I hand him my paper. "We have 1st and 4th period together and you have 2nd period with my two best friends, well let's go!" He says helping me up.

Michael walks me to my locker and I put all of my stuff in it as I notice this one guy. Blonde hair and blue eyes, he also had tattoos. I feel a nudge on my arm.

"What?" I ask.

"That guy is bad news, don't even try to give him a glance he is pure evil ." He tells me with seriousness in his eyes. We start walking to 1st  period and I go up to a desk without Michael telling me to. The teacher tells me to sit in the back with Michael. 10 minutes later, class started. She made us write some stuff off the board and then class was over. Of course some of the smart people think this is a game and ask a million questions,  then we get to do the lessons. But I think I could get used to this.

I finished my 1st period and then went to my 2nd period and the teacher was just crazy, he didn't make us do anything, so hey science may now be my favorite. 3rd period was lunch. I walked in I got my food and paid for it and I looked for Mikey and the rest of the guys. I started walking towards the table where the boys sat, sitting two tables away from theirs and it felt like someone was yelling my name. I turned around and there he was. School's badass, "Hailey, Hailey such an innocent name."

"How the hell do you know my name?"

"Oh, I found out in 2nd period, I also overheard your friend Michael, why don't you have lunch with me darling." He smiles deviously.

" I can't." I say looking at the floor, did I actually like this guy? His tattoos was a big turn on and his smile melts my heart. I think I like him but I can't, that would be mean to Michael  Ashton and Cauml I couldn't do that.

"You can't or you won't?" he asks.

I thought for a moment trying to make sure I don't say anything stupid. "I won't because you seem like a complete asshole that gets whatever you want and I don't even fucking know your name." I hiss. I walk off before he could say anymore. "What happened?" Heather questioned. Heather is Ashton's  girlfriend. I nodded my head no so they wouldn't ask questions. We just ate and talked about pretty much everything.

Hi guys I'm Hailey and I just really wanted to make a Punk Luke Hemmings fan-fic. So I hope you guys like this.

Darkness Meets Light Luke HemmingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora