"Sometimes I see him or feel him," I had said. My hands were shaking and I had wished to no extent that I had something stronger than a beer to burn my throat. "It's like he's the one who's dead. Not me, you know? And I walk with the cold mist of his ghost. Everywhere I go."

He hadn't answered, waiting for me to continue.

"I need him," my bones ached with desperation. "His voice, I need to hear it." 

Brad nodded, staying silent.

"I need..." my words trailed off for a moment, "...I need to know that we can win. Me and him."

"Win?" Brad asked, his voice genuinely wonderful and not at all accusatory.

"Yea," I took a swig of my beer, squeezing my eyes shut.

He waited, eyes searching my face.

"Cross the finish line, hand in hand. Together. It sounds..."

"It sounds perfect, Louis." His voice was rough, firm. I nodded along, forgetting my selection of "idiotic" or "hopeless" or "sad".

"It does," I had answered, my voice cracking.




He answered almost instantly.



I quickly replied with an "okay" and sped to mu coat closet to find appropriate attire for the chilling october weather. 

Pulling on a leather jacket (one that I was sure Brad had bought and hafter he took one look at my clothing and muttered 'european..' under his breath) there was a knock at my door, a quiet but effective rhythm of two quick knocks and then three slow. 

"Coming!" I called, taking a fast pace toward the door. I turned the knob, feeling cold air blast into my warmed half-of-duplex.

"Hey, man. Let's go, alright?" Brad smiled, his cheeks reddening from the chilled slap of wind swirling around outside. 

"Yep," I stepped out, locking the door behind me and following Brad to his car.

"There's some things that I need to talk to you about... But, I just need to know where you're at first." He reached the car, unlocking it and opening his door as I walked around to the passenger side.

"Oh? Like what..?" I asked, opening my own door and sliding into the seat. 

Where You're Meant To Be- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now