Chapter Seven

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Hey lovelies! Well I have a request for you. Okay so this would definitely mean a lot to me. So I thought hard about starting my own fic, and I decided to go ahead with it! I have the prologue, or at least the majorty of it. I'm not exactly sure when I'm posting it, but I hope it's soon! I'm definitely keeping WYMTB as my numero uno priority, but I'll throw in some work for my fic, which I believe is being titled Forever and Always, because I like the phrase, and I like the Taylor Swift song, which I think the song holds the plotline I needed; I get most of my inspiration from music. But if any of you can give me song titles, preferably something with a slightly depressing undertones. Or it could be flat out sad, but if you think it holds a story I can work with, tell me, and I'll think about my options. Lines from songs work too, just tell me the song it comes from. Sorry for bothering you! This honestly means the world to me, and I'm hoping y'all will check it out once it's up and help me with my titling/plotline! I'm not sure if I'm going to change it, but I'm definitely going to dedicate the next chapter to whoever helps me out because I love you. Alright, here's chapter seven!


{{{ ALSO: I am going to hold on uploading chapter eight (even if finished) until the story has 7.5k reads. Hopefully it shouldn't take that long since it's been getting more popular lately, but please rec to your friends if you want to see more story!! :)   -brit}}}}


Chapter 7


I curled up in a ball on the couch. His voice reminded me of everything good in life, but it also reminded me of everything I wanted couldn't have. I didn't cry, though. I guess crying held a sort of pointlessness to it at the time. It wasn't going to change the fact that Harry was going to get released soon, and I wouldn't be there to see it. Then again, if I was there, he wouldn't be in the hospital in the first place.

I pushed the thought out of my mind. I reached for the tv remote and made the screen come alive. I decided to open the YouTube app on the tv. First, I played some of our old songs. The very first one I pulled up was my personal favorite, Loved You First.  I stretched out on the couch and put my hands behind my head. Harry's melodic voice invaded my ears, and I thought about how much I wanted to hear him sing to me again. Little Things made me smile, since I remembered how management had Harry and I switch solos, or else it'd be too obvious who we were singing about. I had to stop They Don't Know About Us. It held too many memories.

I decided I was done with music. I typed in the keyword that would link me to the old video diaries. I seated myself on the rough carpet in front of the television and laughed as I remembered our old antics. I couldn't watch after the fourth one. I'd had enough of the nostalgia after my eyes began to water.

I made my way over to the kitchen and began brewing tea. Seated at the kitchen table, I waited for my beverage to finish. I was lost in thought, until a loud buzzing sound made me jump. I went to answer it, and Brad stood on my porch, panting as if he had been running. I sighed and rubbed the back of neck. In an exasperated tone, I asked, "What is it that you want, Brad?"

He breathes heavily. "Sorry. Excited. Tickets. Plane. London. Harry. Here." He handed me two tickets for a small airline company. I read them over and quickly waved him inside.

We had just sat down when the tea kettle announced it's completion of the drink. I poured two cups with sugar and placed one in front if each of us. "So what is with these tickets?" I inquired.

"So I went on a different server in my computer so management wouldn't be able to track it. I ordered two tickets for a small plane to London!" He smiled at me widely.

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