Chapter 34

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I hope you like this one its a long one for sure. Its over 2300 words again please let me know if you enjoy this or not (Well like it LOL) again vote :) thanks for the kind words

Hannah POV

I can not believe this is happening. I have been left alone in the damn room by myself for about an hour or so. I have done something to help me with this situation. Luckily they have given me water, and instead of me drinking all of it I gave some to whiskey as well as some of my food. How did I do it? I annoyed the hell out of them saying me and my babies need to and I need my strength to deliver the babies. Mark is such a dumbass he thought my ankle tied to a bed will keep me bedridden. I can not untie my self trust me I have tried my belly not helping. They broke down and gave into my demands, and when they left I got out of the bed and took the gag out of his mouth while he scooted his chair as close as he can. He looks so bad and he will not last much longer without food or water.

"Here have this?"

"Hannah you need this more than I do"

"Oh shut up I am fine I ate before I got kidnapped and I took some water so you need to have some. If we get out of this you need all the strength you have to help get us out this is will help more than anything please."

"Fine" he finished scooting to me and ate and drank the food they gave me.


"Yeah, that is better. Hannah honestly how are you?"

"I am fine my face hurts so bad but other than that I am fine, but I will say that I am scared about what will happen if they can not find us?"

"Blade and Hammer right now are doing everything they can to find us I know that for sure do not lose hope ok."

I feel a tear escape my eyes, and then I hear someone coming down the stairs before anyone can open the door I place the gag back in Whiskey's mouth, and he scoots back and I as fast as I can jump back to the bed with the food and water tray.

"Well Well looks like it's about time," Ruby states while eyeing Whiskey.

"Can I please have some more food please the sandwich was not enough you know I am eating for three."

"Ugh fine I am ready for them to get back then the fun can begin"


10 min later she comes back with more food and water and leaves, and yet again I give it to whiskey for his strength. Another hour passes and I can hear multiple people coming down the stairs the same thing as before whiskey scoots back with the gag in his mouth, and now I can tell he looks ready to fight the world if need be. I lay back on the bed and here come the assholes of the hour. James, Mark, and Ruby.

"Here we go Mark want to do the honors of moving this along?"

"Don't mind if I do"

"what are you doing"

"Well, my dear," James says with venom in his voice. "This here is Pitocin its what makes you go into labor"

"Waaaaaiiit hold you are serious about that. They are not ready they could die there not due for a few more weeks."

Whiskey is doing everything he can to get out to come to my aid and I am not worried I thought they were joking. Mark wimps out of course since he is just a pawn in all of this and gives the syringe to James and he comes closer to me and grabs my arm and injects me with the meds in the syringe.

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