Chapter 31

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This chapter will have multiple POV to set up the rest of the story. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy.

Three weeks have passed and I am truly uncomfortable and feel as big as a whale. I'm now thirty weeks in my pregnancy and today is my baby shower Ryder bought to be the most beautiful red dress for me to wear with some ballet flats. Since regular shoes are not happening since I'm so swollen. The shower will be at the cafe we are walking to the car then all of a sudden a hear sirens.

"It's ok babe that's just the tornado sirens that they test this time of year."

"Oh ok, that scared me I don't like tornados they scare me. How often do you get tornados here?"

"It's been about forty years since one was in the ground nothing to worry about but we still have to take precautions it's still the south"

"Ok that makes me feel a lot better knowing that"

"By the way love you look beautiful and I wish I could just turn you around March back in that house where I can have you to myself if you know what I mean"

"I don't understand how you can be turned in by the way I look right now. Even though my hormones are loving the way you look in your cut and jeans"

"Well, love when we get home tonight we can show each other how much we love each other till the sun comes up." He whispers in my ear while kissing me my legs tighten clinch together thinking about what that man can do with only just words, and can imagine what will happen when they get home. Hannah hadn't realized that she had a deep crimson blush going across her cheeks.

"Oh, hun it's amazing I can still make you blush."

"yeah yeah blame it on the hormones babe"

They get into her car and head to the coffee shop for the baby shower. She is just hoping this doesn't take all day shes already tired and babies are practicing soccer with kicker her bladder and ribs.

The coffee shop is all decked out in blue and white streamers and blue things all over the place. Hannah can not believe this group of people she barely knows has shown her so much love in such a short amount of time that she is overjoyed with the outcome that has happened with her ex-husband's indiscretions.

I am looking all around and see Mary and Ruby coming up to me and engulfing me in a hug and show me everything that they have done around the shop. I am looking at everything looking at all the people and other than Ryder, Hammer, Mary, and Ruby she is noticing the one person she wants more than anyone is not here where is Whiskey. He would not miss a baby shower for his nephew's hell he is always talking to her belly telling them that he is the favorite uncle whiskey.

"Hey, baby?" She calls out to Ryder

"Yeah babe"

"Where is Whiskey?"

"You know I am not sure but I am sure he will be here soon you know he wouldn't miss this for the world."

"I know I am just surprised he's not here yet."

"Hey, girl you ready to get this show on the road."

"Oh um Yeah, but hey Ruby where's Whiskey he wouldn't miss this for anything he loves these boys"

"Oh um he will be here later he is doing something for you and will show up when he's done"

"Oh Ok well yeah let's get this going"

We set up everything and Ryder is beside me and he is helping me with the gifts that were given and my god there were so many. Everything we got, of course, came in two since we are having twins. I am so thankful for everything and everyone that my emotions are all over the place. We are now at the end of the shower and I am now in full-blown tears since my brother didn't show up. Whiskey would never have missed this and I can not control the tears anymore they are out for everyone to see.

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