Chapter 5

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Picture of Whiskey

Whiskey's POV

I look up when the doors of the bar open and see this young women stroll into the bar. Not faltering at all with all the bikers just staring her down. She certainly doesn't fit into the crowd that normally comes here that for sure. She walks to the counter and asks for a beer and states "keep them coming" normally I would suggest her to go somewhere else, but she has a look of defeat on her face and for some god forsaken reason I feel compelled to listen to her troubles.

"Rough day"

She gives a little laughing saying "guess you could say that" One thing I noticed is that she is messing with what looks like a wedding ring. I'm not sure if she even notices that's what she's doing.

"Well what's going on in that little head of yours?"

Can't believe I asked that. I really don't like to listen to anyone else's problems, but I don't listen to my own advice. All of a sudden she just starts to cry just letting everything out. One thing about me is I can't stand women who cry. That's not in my wheelhouse it makes me uncomfortable. Luckily she doesn't notice that I'm only half listening and looking at my phone. I did catch the main parts of her story between sobs and I can't believe a man would do that to their wife and her best friend is a bitch.

She finally finishes her story, all I could muster up saying to not make the matter worse is "Well sweetheart that's a lot to swallow, what's your name" why on earth do I care what this chicks name is. I eye roll to myself.

"Hannah, what's yours?"

"Whiskey is what I'm called"

"Nice to meet you"

"Well sweetheart I'm not sure what to tell you other than that's pretty messed up to have to go through all of shit." She looks up at me with her puffy red eyes and I look and see her beautiful blue eyes just looking for some kind of reassurance that what she did was right. I notice she's finished her drink and hand her another "on the house." She looks up and quietly says thank you.

What came out of her mouth next completely caught me off guard to the fact I dropped the glass I was cleaning. "Are you looking for a bartender?" I couldn't form a sentence so instead a chuckle come out my mouth "are you serious? The guys here would eat you and spit you out. You look like an auditor and not someone who can handle a biker bar." Her eyes just look up and narrow and I can see inside there is a fire I don't think has come out in a while.

"Why because I'm a female I can't pour a drink. I used to bartender my way through college."

"Listen sweetheart it's not my call, I'm just a bartender here my owner and manager aren't here and I'm not going behind their back."

"Please I am out of options, I need a job."

Damn this women is persistent, "Listen here blue, the answer is no, and this bar is not a place for you, the club has to vote on it, and I just got patched few months ago. I'm not risking my hide for some broad who can't take no for an answer."

She looks absolutely defeated

"Listen Whiskey was that your name? I need a job I need to get out of that god forsaken flea bag motel, and since there are no apartments my options are limited. Which means I need to buy a house, which I can't do until my divorce is final, so I need to make money with tips so he doesn't get half of that. Please help me out just until the owner comes back, and if you feel I can't handle it before he returns, then I will leave. Peacefully."

"Fine, but you need to get some tough skin cause these bikers will eat you alive."

"I'll see you tomorrow at four."

She looks up and takes the last sip of he drink and gets up and leaves.Upon her leaving I look at her drink and see her ring sitting on counter. Part of me is proud of the step she just took even though she doesn't realize it yet. I also know I am going to get into deep shit when Hammer and Blade come back. What is this chick doing to me.

I guess only time will tell.

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