"I told you to say yes." I reprimanded lightly.

"I ain't wanna say yes." She snapped back.


"I don't like him, Nae. He's irritating. Just two months ago, he was hitting me with paper balls now he's pressing all up on me. What is this? Opposite day?"

"He's been at this for more than a day." I reminded her as she started walking ahead of me to her locker.

"We need a plan. Will needs to really push this basketball shit."

"I think it would be fun. You said you wanted to do indoor activities. Bowling is inside."

"Nae, you are honestly no help whatsoever."

An amused smile coming on my face as I watched her dig through her locker, pulling out what she needed before slamming it shut.

"Give the boy a chance. He's really trying."

"Yeah, trying a little too damn hard," Kaylen mumbled, making me push her softly, trying to get her out of such a sour mood.

She attacked back, pushing me harder. "Bitch."

"Oww!" I let out a laugh as I rubbed my shoulder gently. "Crazy."

"Quit playing around." She scolded before walking into her homeroom, leaving me with not even a goodbye.

"So, I'll see you later?!" I called out to her.

She waved me off, making me smile. I just shook my head, starting to walk down the hall, making my way to homeroom.


"He wants to go bowling." I brought up as we all sat together at lunch. "And invited all of us to come."

Nicki, who was always down for a good time, was all for it. " We should go. That sounds fun."

"It's tonight. But, we're watching Will play basketball, right Will?" Kaylen asked, hopefully looking to Will.

"Honestly, I'm tryna go bowling. It's getting a little cold out here to be running around the blacktop."

"It is perfectly fine outside," Kay argued.

"Alright, cut it out," I declared, looking to Kaylen. "No one's asking you to go on a solo date with Aaron. All we're tryna do is have a good time bowling together, and I know you're down for that. Just 'cause Aaron likes you or whatever doesn't mean he's gonna be all up on you with us around."

"Exactly." Rocky backed up. "So get up and tell him we're going."

"Y'all are just mean." Kaylen glared at us before letting out a breath and pushing herself up, making her way over to Aaron's table.

"What's so bad about Aaron?" Nicki asked. "Sure, he's acts dumb but I'm pretty sure he's not that dumb."

"I mean he has a crush on Kay, he's not such a lost cause anymore," Rocky added, making us chuckle.

"Kay needs someone way more mature. Let's just hope he steps it up." I expressed.

"Well, at least he has the looks part down," Will commented, making all of us look to her shocked.

Every time we brought up liking guys, she shot it down and told us that since she was considered one of the guys, it exposed her to the other side of them.

Will claimed that every time she thought one of them was cute, they'd fart, and the thought would go right out the window.

She even shoved Tyler Cane back in fifth grade for giving her her first kiss during recess.

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