#17 How he/she shows you affection

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That may sound very stereotypical but well... Raphael likes to bite and feed on your blood. It is a very intiminating act and you totally trust him. It does usually not hurt and in that moment his focus is totally on you and your heartbeat.


Despite everything that went down with his parents when he brought you to the Institute for the first time, Alec is actually a fairly affectionate guy, especially in public. When ever he's near you, he interlaces your fingers and holds your hand all the time. He'll pepper your skin with tiny little kisses that make you squirm and giggle. It makes other people uncomfortable, but not you. You welcome his affection, knowing how much he truly loves you.


Talking. He whispers cute things to you and always communicates. It gives you the feeling to be loved because he does not really talk a lot to other people. Even in a room full of people he will whisper to you. What he whispers to you... Well, you can make that up in your imagination.


Stroking your back. Meliorn could just stroke your back for hours without getting tired of it. You really enjoy his warm and gentle touches, but even more his presence. If he's in the mood he will tell you old fairy tales about the seelie realm.


Making your hair. It doesn't matter what lenght or colour, Isabelle can always make something out of your hair. Even if she is just brushing it.


Sharing her food. Maia and you love eating and it's a real sign of true love when she shares, by feeding you from her plate. After eating something sweet like fruit or ice-cream she is most likely to kiss you to experience the mixture between your cold lips and the sweetness.


Magnus likes to massage you. Starting at the shoulders and slowly going down your back. Especially after a long day you like to lay back and enjoy his gentle touches.


Will is very VERY affectionate with you, and you return that affection. He is never the first to break away from a hug or kiss, and he keeps you as close as he can, unless he is needed on a mission. He always takes the missions near the edge of the Seelie Realm, hoping he will at least catch a glimpse of you.


Jem likes to show his affection by coming up behind you when you're talking to someone and whispering in your ear, hugging you behind. You may roll your eyes from being interrupted, but you secretly love it, as his voice is one of your most favourite things to hear.


Jordan likes to show affection by taking candid photos of you everywhere. When you're on a date, training and even when you're sat reading. He shows each and every one to you, before printing them out and plastering them around his room, and when you ask about it, he always repeats the same thing:"You're a piece of art, love. You deserve to be hung all around the place".


Tessa likes to cook for you. She pours all her heart and soul into her cooking and gives it to you. You had never had so much gorgeous food before you met Tessa. Her 'I love you' is shown through red velvet cupcakes.

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