#39 What he/she does when he/she wants attention

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Raphael is quiet honest and direct when he wants attention. He will just go up to you, grab you bridal style or by the waist, dragging you there where ever he wants you to be. If you are reading or watching TV, he will just take the remote or the book away from you and throw it across the room. He wants attention and he wants it NOW. But it doesn't happen that often because you usually give him enough.


When Alec wants your attention, he will sit next to you and stroke your arm back and forth until you turn to look at him. It doesn't matter what you are doing, he won't stop until you stop whatever you're doing.


Just like Raphael, Jace is really direct and honest. If you don't give him enough attention, he will definitely let you know... everyone know. He is most likely to scream the word "attention" through the whole institute. It makes you look like a bad girlfriend/boyfriend and it makes you blush pretty often.


Meliorn usually doesn't really crave for attention but when he does, he will gently put kisses on you. Beginning on your hand, going up your arm until he reaches your neck and face. Then he definitely has your attention. The sweetheart he is, he often apologizes afterwards saying that he feels bad for interrupting you.


Izzy always wants your attention. When you don't give it to her, she will let you know when it's to late. Those are your late night conversations. She will complain about the fact that you maybe don't mind and that she is not worth your attention, playing a drama queen like never before.


Maia is surprisingly shy when she wants your attention. She will just come up, tap your shoulder lightly and ask like a little child. You think that adorable and you could never not fulfill her wishes.


Magnus will use his magic to get your attention. When you are concentrating on something or someone he will snap his fingers and glitter will appear right in front of your eyes, making you flinch back. When you look at magnus then he stands there, grinning, coming over and kissing you.


When Will wants your attention, he will hug you from behind and won't let go until you pay him attention. It doesn't matter who you are talking to; it could even be the Seelie Queen. You always give in, thinking that he's sweet for wanting your attention.


Jem will straight up tell you that he wants attention. No beating around the bush or anything. He comes out with things like "Notice me!!!" or "Why don't you love me?" until you stop what you are doing and give him a hug. It gets on your nerves, but you can't stay mad at him.


When Jordan wants your attention, he picks up your favourite guitar and strums out of tune chords, very loudly. It annoys the hell out of you. You usually end up jumping up, taking the guitar out of his hands and hiding it in his room, before paying him attention. Every time, you hid your guitar somewhere he won't find it. Every time, he does find it.


When Tessa wants your attention, she just sits on you. No lie, she sits on your lap and wraps her arms around your neck in a hug. You hug her back immediately, loving when she does this to you.

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