Chapter 1

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"Girls welcome Ghala your new classmate" said Mrs.Isra my Biology , Class teacher.

It was a normal day at school. I was walking in the hallway helping my library teacher with the new books my school got. "Thank you Ella you are one of my favourite students in this school!" Said my library teacher Mrs.Lia.

She probably just said that because I skip classes to read books! With no excuse , but books help me run away from all the stress and unwanted thoughts. Hold me to another world full of dreams , productivity , and joy!

"Your welcome teacher" I replied , feeling proud. I returned back to my class because it was chemistry class another one of my interests! Although walking down the hallway was different I felt weird , shivers through my body , cold blood but , I ignored all that.

As I opened the door of my class , something caught my eye! It was a new student , in the corner staring outside the window. The shivers returned. My seat was right beside her so, I thought it would be nice to have new friends , she probably feels shy.

As my chemistry teacher , Mrs.Rose , turned to write on the white board , I immediately took my shoot! Didn't realise what I was getting myself in. "Hey , you must be new , welcome! I'm Ella. What's your name?"

She turned to me and said hesitated, "h-hi my name is G-Gia." Her brown eyes wide opened , her brown curly hair flying form the wind of the opened window. "Ghala? That's a cool name!" I said , trying to open a conversation and making her feel better. Instead there was no sound. Mrs.Rose noticed and said , "Ella you are disturbing my class if you want to chat do it outside." "Sorry teacher" I replied , ashamed.

Classes passed by heavily, as if thousands of years passed. It was boring , and every try to talk to Gia would end up with absolute silence. I gave up. It was lunch time finally. I saw Gia sitting on a brown chair for three people. She wasn't alone. She was sitting with two other new girls , not in my class but same grade , Sara and Eve.

From here it started. Their giggles filled the playground , I was lonely , everyone would think I'm weird for reading too many books. I could see them laughing , almost choking on their food. I wanted to join but, I was too shy.

The classes were too boring, didn't feel like attending so I went to the library. "Hi again Ella!" Mrs.Lia greeted with a little smiles on her face , I smiled back and said "Is the new books of Nancy drew here yet?"

"yes, you will find them on the top shelf in the corner of the library"

I love Nancy drew! She is a a teen detective, I have read all her books , what an inspiration! And there was I , lost in my own world again , until Mrs.Isra , my Biology teacher , rushed in and furiously shouted "Ella, what are you doing here?! This is the time for classes"
I was silent didn't know what to say I have never been caught skipping my classes , I was shamed of myself.

"Get back to your class , now!"

I walked to the class a shamed of myself, almost teared up, I have been always an excellent student, didn't want to change that in any way.

As I entered, I felt eyes looking at me , I didn't care they always talk. Hour after hour , seemed like centuries to me. And then my saver started , the school bell, school was out!
I backed my bag , with a book in my hand , and hurried down the stairs , reading.

On the way back , all my thoughts were on Gia , how did she meet the other students? , and why was she so shy with me , but so normal with them? , I knew something was off. I finished my homework, without eating anything , went straight into bed.

I woke up on my alarm for school , I was late! Quickly jumped off bed , hoped in my clothes , took my breakfast and shoved it in and ran for the bus. Eyes on me and I know it. As usual sat in the back seat , they didn't let me pick where do I sit like others.

All the way to school I just held a book I had in my bag , Nancy drew , of course! We arrived at the school but all I was concentrated on was the book , up the stairs to the class , opening the door. It was strange.


Hello, thank you for choosing my story! I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 , chapter 2 will be out on June 19 , tomorrow, stay tuned!

- Maria

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