Chapter 23

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Gauri prepared a breakfast for herself and after eating it, she started preparing for Darshan’s lunch. She knew after so much heavy drinking and loosing blood Darshan would definitely be hungry. When the servants came, she strictly warned them not to go into the guest room and Darshan’s room. She didn’t want anyone finding out that she and Darshan slept separately and she knew the servants would either leak the news horribly in the media or inform Darshan’s parents. She then went to Darshan’s room. She had to wake him up as he had not eaten anything since last night. She didn’t even know whether he had had his lunch and dinner. He needed to eat something. She sat beside him on the bed and gently checked the wound. The bandage was bloodied which indicated that he needed a change. She then tapped on his shoulder lightly and called out his name. “Darshan, Darshan wake up. Come on. Darshan. DARSHAN!” She shouted at last and Darshan suddenly woke up panicking. “What? What happened? Are you alright?” He asked and Gauri was surprised to see that his first thought after waking up suddenly was about her. “I am alright Darshan, but look at your hand. It’s you who is not alright.” Darshan looked down, surprised and shocked. “…what happened?” He was totally bewildered. “You tell me what happened. I found you yesterday, unconscious in the bathtub with deep scratches on your hand and drenched in blood and water.” Darshan was speechless at that. After a few moments, Gauri sighed. “It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me. I won’t interfere in your life. Come on now, I made lunch. You must…” “Yesterday was Ayesha’s birthday. I… missed her.” Darshan suddenly spoke up, cutting Gauri midsentence. Gauri froze, her mouth open. “I…err..didn’t know. I am sorry.” Gauri placed a hand on his shoulder and rubbed it gently. There was silence for a couple of mins as both stared at each other awkwardly. Darshan didn’t know why he had blurted that out. But somehow, he felt lighter. Even sharing that much of his pain, somehow lightened his burden. He was now aware of throbbing in his hand and finally he realized that Gauri must have bandaged him and tucked him up in his bed. He spoke up, “Thank you for whatever you did yesterday. I was… I drank too much, and fell asleep. I can’t remember how I got scratched, but maybe I was too drunk. And I am sorry. I must have given you a fright.” Gauri smiled at that. “Yes, I was afraid for a few minutes for you. But I fixed you up with help of our driver. Come on now, get showered. The lunch is almost ready. You lost a lot of blood yesterday. You will have to take folic acid tablets for a few days. And wait let me just tie something on that bandage so it doesn’t get wet. Come straight to me after shower, I will have to change that bandage it’s soiled.” Gauri chattered on and was about to leave Darshan’s room when Darshan realized that he was missing something. “Wait, Gauri.” Gauri froze in her tracks. Hearing her name from Darshan was an entirely different thing. Her name felt like a gentle caress on his lips. She turned around to see why he had called her to find him staring at her confused. “You didn’t go to the hospital today?” He asked and Gauri frowned. She didn’t want to tell him that she had stopped for him and she couldn’t lie properly either. “I…er…wanted to take a day off. I….” She trailed off, apparently at loss of words. Darshan nodded. “Ok.” He then jumped off the bed and staggered a little. Gauri started forward to help him, but he straightened up. “I am fine. I just lost balance. That’s all.” With that, he strode to the bathroom and shaking her head, Gauri went off to finish preparing the lunch. She was relieved that Darshan seemed fine. About half hour later Darshan staggered into the dining room to find Gauri arranging a plate for him. He was relieved at the sight of food and was about to sit when Gauri stopped him. “Wait, I need to change the bandage first. Look it’s soiled and partially wet too. It might get infected.” She hurried off to find the first aid kit and slightly annoyed, Darshan sat on a chair. He had not eaten since yesterday and he was famished, but somehow, he couldn’t help but obey Gauri. There was something in that girl that affected him. Some strong magnetic pull that attracted him. Some connection that connected his soul to hers. Even this morning, when he had woken up from a nightmare, he had not thought of Ayesha, but of Gauri. He had heard her shout his name and he had immediately woken up, wanting to protect her, wanting to make sure she was alright. He frowned. She was affecting her more than he could handle and he could not let this happen. He had to stop this somehow. He couldn’t let himself get attached to her or even used to her. He had to do something. When she came back, he reluctantly let her re-bandage his hand. When he and Gauri both sat down for the lunch, he couldn’t help but notice that everything was really very delicious and he had second and third helpings of everything. Even though he wanted to eat such food every day, he reminded himself that Gauri was not really his wife. It was not a real marriage, it was just a compromise for their families. I must do this, he told himself and it was with regret that he called out Gauri’s name. The servants paused too and he motioned them to carry on their work.  “I need to speak to you.” He told her stiffly and walked towards his bedroom. Surprised, Gauri went behind him and closed the door once they were inside. He cleared his throat, trying to be less awkward and this increased Gauri’s curiosity. What did he want to say that was making him awkward? He turned around and tried to look into her eyes. But then he fixed his gaze somewhere above her head. “Look, I appreciate and thank you for whatever you did and are doing for me. But I request you not to do it again. I mean, don’t try to take care of me. Don’t try to make dinners and lunches for me. It is not your responsibility. I can take care of myself. This is just a marriage of compromise for both you and me. You can stay here and I know that you are financially independent but you are welcome to use my money for anything you need. If you don’t want then you are free to do whatever you please. But let’s stick to our deal. Don’t try to help me like this. It..I…It makes me uncomfortable and I do not want you help. So let’s just…you know…” Gauri was enraged at this. But she contained herself. It was no use fighting against him. She had come here to help him, not fight him. Fighting might make things worse. So she took a deep breath. ‘It’s ok, I understand. It was…I just.. look, you don’t even know in what condition I found you. You looked like you were dying. I was scared and I just did what any other doctor would have done. It was just my medical training and my medical oath that made me help you. And I couldn’t just leave you like that there. We are sworn to help any person in need. I just did that. You were just a patient for me. And about lunch, I was preparing it for myself and you needed food so I added few more things to it. Don’t worry, I would never interfere in your life. I…have to go now.” It was clear to Darshan that Gauri was hurt and angry even if she had tried to hide it. He didn’t want to care, but somehow, it troubled him. He did not want to be reason for her anger. He did not want to be the one to hurt her. He was about to say something but Gauri was gone by that time.

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