Chapter 1

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// Author's Note:
Hello guys, I'll keep this short. This is a fan fiction on the famous singer Darshan Raval. I am a huge fan and I admire him a lot. He is the reason I started writing. This has been already posted on Instagram, but on the request of few readers, I am posting it here. Hope you like it. Do like and comment.  This is the first chapter, which might be quite dull as it is an introductory chapter. But I promise it gets better.//

“DARSHAN!” Darshan Raval’s mother, Rajshri Raval shouted at her sleeping son. This was not the first time that she was waking him like this. He came home drunk each and every day late at night and slept till afternoon. The only nights he stayed sober were the nights of recording or shooting. Otherwise, he drank the alcohol more than water and woke up every afternoon with a hangover. Fuming with anger, she shook him up. Darshan’s manager, Naushad khan had come to discuss a few terms of contract with him and Darshan was still in deep sleep. Knowing that the maids won’t be able to wake him up and if they succeeded he would shout at them, she herself went to wake him up. His room was messed up as usual, a few empty bottled littered the floor, discarded clothes were strewn everywhere along with papers and other few things. “Darshan wake up right now.” She shouted at him again and Darshan stirred in his sleep. “Let me sleep mom. My head is bursting with a migraine.” He moaned and tried to pull covers over him head. Darshan’s mom yanked the covers back and put them aside. “Naushad Khan is waiting for you. He said it’s important. Wake up, get freshened up and go meet him.” She told him angrily and Darshan sighed. Dragging his hung-over body to the washroom, he closed the door. Rajshri now started to tidy up the room. Everything was messy, trashed and littered. The only things that were neat and in proper place were Darshan’s guitars and a few of Ayesha’s belongings which she had left behind. Though no pictures of Darshan and Ayesha’s wedding hung on the walls, Darshan had kept them carefully in a shelf. She touched the pictures and passed a hand lovingly over her son’s happy face in the frame. He was so happy and in love back then. “Why Ayesha? Why did you do it?” She whispered to her daughter-in-law’s pic. Sighing with immense regret and sorrow, she continued her task of tidying Darshan’s room. Darshan was a successful singer and he had now started his own business in which he was growing very fast. Raval industries were now a renowned name in business world and had created a significant place in the market. Darshan’s singing career was at its peak and he was one of the top singers in independent music. Rajshri was proud of her son. Her son was everything she wanted, he was extremely successful in both industries, very wealthy, famous but he was also a gentleman, someone who had good values and morals, never mis-behaved. But he was not happy. He was hurting from inside and it showed in his music. The music he made was filled with so much pain and passion that it became instant hit. But she also knew the toll it was taking on her son. His continuous drinking was bound to ruin his voice someday along with his health. He was also in a depression. He was extremely rich, but he had no time to spend enjoying his life. All he did was work, drink and sleep. He had loved Ayesha more than his own life and after a hard work of convincing her and her family, he had finally gotten to marry her. But after a few months Ayesha had…. Darshan splashed cold water on his face and brushed his teeth. After changing the clothes, he went down to see Naushad Khan, waiting for him with a thick binder of the contract. He groaned when he realized what was going to happen. “Come on Darshan. I have been waiting for half hour. I had told you last night I was going to come today in the afternoon. It’s past 2 now.” Naushad Khan spoke sternly while Darshan sat down in front of him, massaging his head. “Get to the point Naushad sir. What is it?” Naushad Khan sighed. He pushed the binder towards Darshan. This is the contract from Indie music label. We are starting a new show. We are going to interview various common people randomly picked from the city. One from each profession like doctor, a few engineers, artists, bankers, teacher etc. We are going to ask them about the type of music they like and how music has influenced their life. This will be something new and no one has tried to do something like this ever. Because you are the leading singer in independent music you will have to host 2-3 interviews. We are also calling stars like Arijit Singh, Badshah, Diljit Dosanjh, Armaan and Amal Malik, Sunidhi Chauhan, Neha Kakkar. So what do you say?” Naushad Khan explained the concept and looked at Darshan hopefully. Darshan thought for a minute and nodded. “I will do it. 3 interviews and I want 25 lakhs for each one.” Naushad Khan was a bit startled at this demand. But knowing that Darshan wasn’t going to settle for less, he made necessary changes in the contract and passed it to Darshan. Darshan signed it without reading the rules and terms of contract as usual. “We are still working on the concept. Shooting will start in about couple of months. I will inform you of your schedule in about 10-15 days.” Darshan just nodded absentmindedly. He was now thinking of food. He was extremely hungry as he hadn’t eaten anything in 15 hours. He had a recording tonight, so he was not going to be able to drink tonight. Maybe he could finish the recording early. Then he would be able to drink a few bottles. At least a couple of bottles.
Gauri hurried through the long corridor that led to the operation theater for c-sections. She had to assist the senior gynecologist on a c-section of a woman with complicated pregnancy. It was her first surgery and she was already 5 mins late. Why did I have to sit in my cabin listening to Darshan’s songs? She mentally scolded herself. “You are an idiot Gauri.” Muttering to herself, she hurried into the OT, slipped into the surgeon’s robes and apologizing for being late got started on the surgery. Gauri was the only daughter of a retired army man Arnav Sharma. She had just completed her MD with specialization in gynecology. Her mother had died of cancer when she was 11 years old and this had driven her to become a doctor. She loved her father dearly and would do anything for him. Arnav Sharma was a strict military man and someone who valued his promises dearly. He was a man of honest word, simple life and loved his daughter dearly. His daughter was a matter of pride to him. Gauri was a great music lover. She loved listening to songs, especially pop songs. And because Darshan mainly did pop songs, she was a huge fan of his songs. She was a talented and smart girl and had finished her post graduation in a prestigious college. She was now practicing in KEM hospital under guidance of a senior doctor. Finishing her surgery, she hurried back to her cabin where a long line of patients and a long day was waiting for her.

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